ennuo / toolkit

Tools for working with the LittleBigPlanet series.
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Unable to select File Archive on MacOS #10

Open ChaoticPumpkin opened 2 years ago

ChaoticPumpkin commented 2 years ago

OS: MacOS Big Sur 11.5.1
Java Version: openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20

On MacOS the file dialog for Load > Gamedata > File Archive does not allow you to select any file, they are just grayed out. This does not happen in the file dialog for FileDB, which works just fine.

File Archive Dialog

File Archive dialog

FileDB Dialog

FileDB Dialog
ennuo commented 2 years ago

I'm not entirely sure why this happens as it works fine on Windows, seems strange that FileDB works though, only point of difference that I see is that the FARC file chooser allows multiple files to be selected at the same time.

As a temporary workaround however, setting useLegacyFileDialogue to true in the config.json that Toolkit generates should allow you to at least select archives. image

ChaoticPumpkin commented 2 years ago

Thanks, changing the config worked, it's weird that only that field is affected, typical macos being completely broken lol