Closed ComLock closed 4 years ago
@runarmyklebust This might be an issue with our query language, is it possible to query boolean values?
No examples here:
{ guillotine { queryConnection( contentTypes: "appname:contentType" query: "hasChildren = false" ) { totalCount edges { node { #createdTime #modifiedTime #type displayName hasChildren language #valid #dataAsJson #pageUrl } } pageInfo { startCursor endCursor hasNext } } } }
{ "data": { "guillotine": {} }, "errors": [ { "errorType": "DataFetchingException", "message": "Exception while fetching data: com.enonic.xp.resource.ResourceProblemException: line 1, column 89:\n( expected, ) encountered.", "exception": { "name": "com.enonic.xp.resource.ResourceProblemException", "message": "line 1, column 89:\n( expected, ) encountered." } } ] }
I do not think this is indexed.
@runarmyklebust This might be an issue with our query language, is it possible to query boolean values?
No examples here: