enonic / cms2xp

Enonic CMS to XP migration tool
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Configs for parts on page templates are not migrated #38

Closed hjelmevold closed 6 years ago

hjelmevold commented 6 years ago

Same issue as Issue #32 but for parts that are on page templates instead of menuitems.

Example from NAV: The menuitem at /sites/www.nav.no/no/person/skjemaer-for-privatpersoner/skjemaer/arbeid-helse-og-sykdom/sykepenger Uses the page template /sites/www.nav.no/_templates/skjema-3-velg-skjema Which has a part "velg-skjema" that should have a config, but does not. Neither in the page template data or the menuitem data.

Since this page template is used on 157 menuitems, and it's not easy to determine how many other page templates that are affected by this bug, this is important to fix.