Hi, as of now I'm trying to to debugging of our caching mechanism and checking for existence of different objects. Since I just have the get-method available I have to provide a callback which modifies the cache. Which makes it harder to do debugging since I'm actually changing the cache if the object isn't present.
Hi, as of now I'm trying to to debugging of our caching mechanism and checking for existence of different objects. Since I just have the get-method available I have to provide a callback which modifies the cache. Which makes it harder to do debugging since I'm actually changing the cache if the object isn't present.
It would be great to have a wrapper to getIfPresent method (https://guava.dev/releases/21.0/api/docs/com/google/common/cache/Cache.html#getIfPresent-java.lang.Object-) so I could do cache checks without side effects.