enormego / EGOCache

Fast Caching for Objective-C (iPhone & Mac Compatible)
MIT License
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Fix: Error when using setImage:forKey on Mac OS #13

Closed jmig closed 10 years ago

jmig commented 12 years ago

[[anImage representations] objectAtIndex:0] returns an NSCGImageSnapshotRep which does not respond to representationUsingType:properties and leads to this error [NSCGImageSnapshotRep representationUsingType:properties:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance.

Plus, NSCGImageSnapshotRep seems to be private and isn't officially documented .

NSBitmapImageRep DOES respond to representationUsingType:properties. So I create the NSBitmapImageRep from the NSImage and then use representationUsingType:properties to return the NSData. This NSImagePNGRepresentation method could/should be in an NSImage Category.

manoelfranklin commented 12 years ago

Hi! How to make EgoCache, EgoImageLoader and EgoImageView load images and scroll smooth in a uitableview? I already have everything set and working but the uitableview is not scrolling smoothly... How can I solve this?

catarino commented 12 years ago

There's a flickering bug in tableview.

Still trying to figure out if it's just EGOCache since I've updated several libs (JSONKit, AFNetworking) But I think it's EGOCache related

jmig commented 12 years ago

@enormego Am I the only one to have this issue?