enormego / PhotoViewer

Quick PhotoViewer for the iPhone. Built upon our other reliable libraries: EGOImageLoading and EGOCache.
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Implement PVThumbView #1

Closed tjweir closed 7 months ago

tjweir commented 14 years ago

(Trying not to be an ass about this, just a request)

I'm not sure if you have the code lying about, but I'd love to have your implementation of PVThumbView.

henrik commented 13 years ago

I have a thumb view in my fork: http://github.com/henrik/PhotoViewer

Stokestack commented 13 years ago

Nice work! I do encounter a problem with rotation, though: The top row of thumbnails is up under the nav bar after rotating. If you then view an individual picture and come back to the thumbnails, the layout is corrected.

I tried adding a call to setNeedsLayout after rotation, but it doesn't do anything.

Gilmargolin commented 12 years ago

can you help me with finding a way to put an overlay on top of an image i can't figure out what method i should add the UIImageView to.