enovation / moodle-atto_teamsmeeting

atto plugin
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404 Error on creating Teams link on Moodle #24

Open shakirgill1169 opened 3 years ago

shakirgill1169 commented 3 years ago

On creating the link of Teams the error 404 is occurring. following is the attachment

Moodle version 3.9 image (2)

shakirgill1169 commented 3 years ago

Can anyone please suggest

weilai-irl commented 3 years ago

Hi @shakirgill1169,

From your screenshot, it looks like the meeting has been created correctly (as the meeting URL has been created), the iframe above it should be redirected to a page on your Moodle site, at an URL like https://URL.TO.MOODLE/lib/editor/atto/plugins/teamsmeeting/result.php?link=... Please make sure the URL on your Moodle site can be accessed.

Regards, Lai

weilai-irl commented 3 years ago

Hi @shakirgill1169,

Could you confirm if you have got this issue resolved please?

Regards, Lai

todog commented 3 years ago

The 404 error still appears to a problem with Moodle 3.9.3. My Moodle URL is accessible. Does anyone know of a fix?

sharetom commented 3 years ago

I have de same issue on Moodle 3.10. Does anyone know how fix this ?

weilai-irl commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

Our investigation suggests this may have something to do with server configurations. After a meeting is created, the configured Teams Meeting app will redirect the user back to a page with url such as below:


Note that the URL contains an extremely long query string. In this particular case, the string has almost 5,000 characters.

We found out that some web servers, e.g. IIS (from the screenshot of the original post, the 404 error page seems to be from an ISS server), would return 404 error if the query string is longer than allowed, which could be the cause of the reported issue.

Please try to update the your server setting to allow for longer query string, maybe use 6,000 for safety. For IIS, the configuration is at -> -> -> , in the "maxQueryString" attribute.

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/configuration/system.webserver/security/requestfiltering/requestlimits/ Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28681366/in-asp-net-mvc-would-a-querystring-too-long-result-in-404-file-not-found-error

Please give it a try and post back if this solves the issue.

Regards, Lai