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Norway (no): no VP files #90

Closed peterdesmet closed 1 year ago

peterdesmet commented 4 years ago

Norway has pvol files on BALTRAD, but vp files have never been created. @leijnse @adokter Any idea what the issue might be?

adokter commented 4 years ago

Norway pvol files do not contain radial velocity data, therefore no vp is being generated

peterdesmet commented 4 years ago

Ok, thanks!

peterdesmet commented 4 years ago

To verify before closing: https://github.com/enram/data-repository/issues/91

One note of caution: the fact that radial velocity data is missing in the pvol can be a Baltrad issue with the merging. I would say for all countries with this issue it needs to be checked whether the data really are not being sent, or that they simply do not end up in the final pvol file.

peterdesmet commented 4 years ago

Norway does have additional files per timestamp, so I assume merging is going on. I currently don't have access to the files themselves, so I cannot check if the source files contain VRADH.

The hex codes in the additional files are 0x1 and 0x8 but don't know yet how to translate them (see enram/data-repository#83)

leijnse commented 4 years ago

I checked the internal OPERA site, and it says that Norway is delivering radial velocity to OPERA. I don't know why the profiles aren't generated on Baltrad. Reasons that I can think of are: 1) Norway is not delivering to OPERA; 2) VRADH are not transferred from OPERA to Baltrad; 3) VRADH for Norwegian data is not properly encoded; 4) Nyquist velocity is too low for all Norwegian data.

Any other suggestions for reasons? I can check this at the OPERA meeting in 1.5 weeks.

peterdesmet commented 4 years ago

@leijnse note:

  1. Norway has plenty of pvol data on the BALTRAD archive and it is current (last checked date 2019-08-28):
radar   min_date    max_date
noand   2013-09-24  2019-08-28   
nober   2013-10-29  2019-08-28   
nobml   2013-09-24  2019-08-28   
nohas   2013-09-24  2019-08-28   
nohfj   2017-12-06  2019-08-27   
nohgb   2013-09-24  2019-08-28   
nohur   2013-09-24  2019-08-28   
norsa   2013-09-24  2019-08-28   
norst   2013-09-24  2019-08-28   
nosmn   2015-05-12  2019-08-28   
nosta   2013-09-24  2019-08-28
  1. Files are being merged into single files per timestamp.

  2. Those single pvol files are available at the enram-accessible FTP server

  3. vp files are not created.

adokter commented 4 years ago
  • Files are being merged into single files per timestamp.

  • Those single pvol files are available at the enram-accessible FTP server

But I don't think VRADH is available as a quantity in the pvol, so that leaves Hidde's option 1-3 as possibilities

peterdesmet commented 1 year ago

From 2020 onwards, vp data is available for Norway on BALTRAD and thus on the data repository: https://aloftdata.eu/browse/?prefix=baltrad/hdf5/noand/