enricmacias / ExpandableTableViewController

Swift library to easily show, hide and customize table view cells as an expandable list of items.
MIT License
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Only expand one cell #10

Open adolfhoathyla opened 7 years ago

adolfhoathyla commented 7 years ago

Hey there.

I would like to know an easy way to expand only one cell at a time. Is it possible?

enricmacias commented 7 years ago

By expanding one cell at a time, are you referring to expanding the subcells one by one, instead of all the subcells at the same time?

adolfhoathyla commented 7 years ago

I'm referring to mainCell. For example, expand one mainCell and when I click another different mainCell, the previous one is unexpand. I would like always only one mainCell is expanded. Are you understand?

enricmacias commented 7 years ago

I see. There is no such functionality at the moment, but it seems an interesting feature to add to future versions of the library. I will see what I can do in there. Pull requests are always welcome too!

adolfhoathyla commented 7 years ago

I understand. So when you get any progress, could you let me know? Or some tips for do this. My e-mail address:



enricmacias commented 7 years ago

Sure! I will take a look as soon as I can, I'm sure I can do that by next month. If you wanna try by yourself in the meanwhile, you should take a look to the tableView( _, didSelectRowAt) function of the library:

override open func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        let expandableIndexPath = expandableIndexPathForIndexPath(indexPath)

        if cellsTypeArray.get(indexPath.row) == .mainCell{
            let newIndexPath: IndexPath = IndexPath(row: indexPath.row + 1, section: indexPath.section)

            if cellsTypeArray.get(newIndexPath.row) != .subCell{
                expandCellAtIndexPath(indexPath, tableView: tableView)
                unexpandCellAtIndexPath(indexPath, tableView: tableView)

            expandableTableView.expandableDelegate.expandableTableView(expandableTableView, didSelectRowAtExpandableIndexPath: expandableIndexPath)
        else if cellsTypeArray.get(indexPath.row) == .subCell {
            expandableTableView.expandableDelegate.expandableTableView(expandableTableView, didSelectSubRowAtExpandableIndexPath: expandableIndexPath)

The first idea that comes to mind is to collapse the cell you have currently open before expanding the new one. Keeping a track of the current expanded one could be a good idea, or collapsing all of them.

adolfhoathyla commented 7 years ago

Nice! I arrived in a temporary solution. I'll try to improve. Waiting for your advance. Thanks @enricmacias !!!!