enricmacias / ExpandableTableViewController

Swift library to easily show, hide and customize table view cells as an expandable list of items.
MIT License
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Do not have a expandAllCells() function? #11

Open eastswift opened 7 years ago

eastswift commented 7 years ago

Can not find expandAllCells()

1.Do not have a expandAllCells() function?

2.Do you have the option to remove the shadow that appears when the cell appears?

3.Do not you want to show an arrow in the main cell at a later update?

p.s : Info.plist file does not exist

Have a nice day :)

enricmacias commented 6 years ago

I will answer you each of them by the number you used.

  1. The library was implemented with the idea of expanding the cells by tapping on them. Never thank on an expandAllCells functionality. I can try and add it on future releases though.

  2. The shadow is something from the tableView itself. I can try to remove it, but I cannot promise nothing. Let me study on that.

  3. If you want to show an arrow on the main cell, you can add it by yourself in your main cell design at: func expandableTableView(_ expandableTableView: ExpandableTableView, cellForRowAtExpandableIndexPath expandableIndexPath: ExpandableIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell

Sorry for my late response. And cheers! :)