Closed Gustry closed 6 years ago
You should avoid to manually remove mapillary layers. As they are managed by the plugin, some exceptions could be expected. Indeed your proposal for checkable button is good.
I was trying to remove mapillary group because I wanted to disable mapillary and that was the only solution I thought (and closing the widget). It's OK if there is now a checkable button.
Maybe add a qgs messagebar warning when a group/layer is deleted ?
Thanks for your dev
Even if I remove the Mapillary widget AND the group in the legend, everytime I zoom in/out, the plugins starts downloading and recreating the group in the legend. So I'm closing QGIS when I want to stop using Mapillary. There should be a button, maybe use a "setCheckable" on your icon in the toolbar. Checked means that the plugin will download for every new extent.