enricofer / go2streetview

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Error displaying Streetview coverage #22

Closed sumarin closed 4 years ago

sumarin commented 7 years ago

captura_go2streetview Hi there

I Just discover this new feature in this plugin and I've tried only two days. First day Everything OK but yestarday I see the coverage with strange colors and I can't see the blue lines that represent where google's car have passed.

After that I have tried on a new and different project but de error was the same.

I use QGIS 2.8.2 on a W7 machine

Nice job and thanks

enricofer commented 7 years ago

I can't reproduce issue on my testing machines, so I cannot help you.

enricofer commented 7 years ago

Could you check the new master version inserting Google Maps API key and report if the issue remains?

sumarin commented 7 years ago

Hi there, At work I recently upgrade to Qgis 2.14 and remove Qgis 2.8 from the computer, and I haven't administration permissions for reinstall and try the new master version. I'm sorry. At home I use OSGEOLIVE and don't have this problem. With the 2.14 I haven't any problems. Thanks and very useful plugin.....