enricofer / postgisQueryBuilder

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ssl options and connection without specified credentials #16

Open enricofer opened 9 years ago

enricofer commented 9 years ago

Hello there I have been trying to use your extension with QGIS (Version 2.6.1) but I am failing. I have set up a data base with several tables and schemes. I can connect to the data base and add a table to my QGIS-project ("adding layer, postgis-layer"). So the connection to the data base is actually not a problem. However, when I open your plugin and select a connection from the dropdown menu the following error appears which says that no connection to the data base could be set up. unnamed1 Can you tell me what the problem could be? Are there any properties I have to set up rather than in the postgis-connections? My postgis connection looks like this: (SSL-mode set to "prefer") unnamed2 I'd appreciate it a lot if you could give me some hints on how to solve my problem. Thanks a lot in advance - sincerely


enricofer commented 9 years ago

Hi Pascal, I had a look to the issue you reported. I can't verify ssl options but I found that the plugin doesn't handle database connections saved without credentials. I made a little patch to resolv this issue that I ask you to test: https://github.com/enricofer/postgisQueryBuilder/commit/854f96be1675b24b77f01f5e775ebc79bbf5ea25 Before facing the ssl handling issue I have build up a db environment to test ssl connections so we have to wait a bit.