enricoros / big-AGI

Generative AI suite powered by state-of-the-art models and providing advanced AI/AGI functions. It features AI personas, AGI functions, multi-model chats, text-to-image, voice, response streaming, code highlighting and execution, PDF import, presets for developers, much more. Deploy on-prem or in the cloud.
MIT License
4.82k stars 1.09k forks source link

Release 2.0.0 #567

Open enricoros opened 3 weeks ago

enricoros commented 3 weeks ago

Release checklist:


Artifacts Generation

You help me generate the following collateral for the new release of my opensource application called big-AGI. The new release is 2.0.0.
To familiarize yourself with the application, the following are the Website and the GitHub README.md.
I am announcing a new version, 2.0.0.
For reference, the following was the collateral for 1.16.0 (Discord announcement, GitHub Release, in-app-news file news.data.tsx).
The following are the new developments for 2.0.0:

- ...
- git log --pretty=format:"%h %an %B" v1.16.0..v2.0.0 | clip


I need the following from you:

1. a table summarizing all the new features in 2.0.0 with the following columns: 4 words description (exactly what it is), short description, usefulness (what it does for the user), significance, link to the issue number (not the commit)), which will be used for the artifacts later
2. then double-check the git log to see if there are any features of significance that are not in the table
3. then score each feature in terms of importance for users (1-10), relative impact of the feature (1-10, where 10 applies to the broadest user base), and novelty and uniqueness (1-10, where 10 is truly unique and novel from what exists already)
4. then improve the table, in decreasing order of importance for features, fixing any detail that's missing, in particular check if there are commits of significance from a user or developer point of view, which are not contained in the table
5. then I want you then to update the news.data.tsx for the new release

release name

please brainstorm 10 different names for this release. see the former names here: https://big-agi.com/blog

You can follow with 'What do you think of Modelmorphic?' or other selected name

cover images

Great, now I need to generate images for this. Before I used the following prompts (2 releases before).

// An image of a capybara sculpted entirely from black cotton candy, set against a minimalist backdrop with splashes of bright, contrasting sparkles. The capybara is using a computer with split screen made of origami, split keyboard and is wearing origami sunglasses with very different split reflections. Split halves are very contrasting. Close up photography, bokeh, white background.
import coverV113 from '../../../public/images/covers/release-cover-v1.13.0.png';
// An image of a capybara sculpted entirely from black cotton candy, set against a minimalist backdrop with splashes of bright, contrasting sparkles. The capybara is calling on a 3D origami old-school pink telephone and the camera is zooming on the telephone. Close up photography, bokeh, white background.
import coverV112 from '../../../public/images/covers/release-cover-v1.12.0.png';

What can I do now as far as images? Give me 4 prompt ideas with the same style as looks as the former, but different scene or action

Readme (and Changelog)

I need you to update the README.md and the with the new release.
Attaching the in-app news, with my language for you to improve on, but keep the tone.

GitHub release

Please create the 2.0.0 Release Notes for GitHub, following the format of the 1.16.0 GitHub release notes attached before.
Use a truthful and honest tone, understanding that people's time and attention span is short.
Today is 2024-XXXX-YYYY.

Now paste-attachment the former release notes (or 1.5.0 which was accurate and great), including the new contributors and some stats (# of commits, etc.), and roll it for the new release.

Discord announcement

Can you generate my 2.0.0 big-AGI discord announcement from the GitHub Release announcement?
Please keep the formatting and stye of the discord announcement for 1.16.0, but with the new messaging above.
enricoros commented 3 weeks ago

Pieces of Changelog; work in progress...

User-visible features

Smaller features:



