enriquesomolinos / DreeRally

Death Rally engine reimplementation
82 stars 12 forks source link

Bpkdecryptor #18

Closed DPGrev closed 5 years ago

DPGrev commented 7 years ago

First I would like to say, great work so far.

I have however problems using the bpkdecryptor. It seems that the gif files it generates cannot be opened by any image processor. They are corrupt. Is there a specific reason for this?

enriquesomolinos commented 7 years ago

At this moment the bpk decryptor only works with small images like face01.bpk, but color are not well showed.

In few days I want to write a little article with all file formats in my blog, and if I have enought time I can fix this utility because in the main project I decrypt the bpk files well.

Thanks for your interest :)

DPGrev commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much, I will be awaiting your article.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Hi Enrique! Good work!

Quote from your blog and your mod : "Driver face image can be repeated because at this moment we canโ€™t change the faces to substitute with the real faces."

Maybe yes, they could be changed. I'm testing your bpk file algorithm from tools (I'm looking at the BPK algorithm for track BPAs), but in addition to the wrong palette, I can only decrypt part of the image (the first GIF block I think). However, in DreeRally the images are seen well, so you should have the updated and correct algorithm (in your dr.c source seems a LZW/GIF decompression with modified palette). The idea would be to extract BPK from the BPA, convert it into a gif image, modify it, reconvert it into BPK and store it again in the BPA, keeping the size of the entire BPA file unchanged.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Now after several tests, I can decipher the whole image but I also have problems with colors: the color that should be in a certain pixel is in the palette (and this is a good sign :)) but it seems that the order in which colors should be taken not the same as they appear in the PAL file.

I attach a file with Sam Speed as example

face01 bpk


enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

Yes, you are correct. Months ago I found this problem but its not easy for me to solve. I'm happy to know that you are investigating this things :)

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago


Maybe there is only a value approximation in conversion from 6-bit VGA palette to 8 bit color!

Maybe trying with gif "recoding" instead of bmp gives the desired result? I'll let you know Enrique :)


1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

(First part of the) Problem solved!


enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago


Great job, it could be interesting for making a image editor :) .

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Thank you! :)

Another example in attachment. For now, I'm trying with BMP output yet. So, some image decodes less pixels than the total of width by height (specially intro images) and for others for now I have to guess correct width and height.

Also, the main images I'm looking at, those of the tracks, seem, as is reasonable to think, to have more than 640x480 pixels (and I mean more than double!)


From the image in attachment, seems, and this is perfectly reasonable, that there are, at least for "animations", images composed by its sprites.

Maybe, tracks follow same logic and dat and inf indicate which sprites of the possible grid take in sequence?

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

great updates!

At this moment i'm modifying the executable in order to change racelaps, but it coulb be interesting allow us to load resources from a directory instead of bpafiles to test the circuits modification.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Hi Enrique!

Surprise in attachment ! :D


(This is "IMA" file decoded with his palette)

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

can you explain how you extract this image? wich files are involved?

great job!

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Thank you again!

I'm doing all these tests writing a new "complete" editor (I mean in some aspects) for the game, so of course I can :)

The bpk files are practically the data block of a gif image, with some modifications to the original lzw / gif algorithm. In many cases, as you already know better than me for months :) the palette is in a separate file, while in the images of the circuits, in those that I extracted, are in the same file. Decoding / decompression leads to a "file" with one byte per pixel, each value corresponds to the index to be read from the palette. Further variations of the game compared to a normal GIF: palette from 6-bit VGA to 8-bit GIF and further conversion of output byte as in your code.

In summary, for many images: PAL file + BPK file

For the images so far extracted from the TR files of the tracks (ie the ones I'm sure of): BPK only

I also underline again that in the tracks everything is in the BPK file(s), including a header of a few bytes followed by the 768 bytes of the PAL file which, unlike the other images taken out so far, is initially encoded and you have to "split" header from gif final data. In other words, in case of tracks, bpk decoded is a gif data block with previous header (maybe with image dimensions? I don't know yet)

All files in attachment!


enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

a new editor? mmm i'm very expectating about that.

by my way im creating a trainer editor ti change race laps and the final circuit with the adversary. also im investigating /decompiling the circuit logic. probably in few days i write a few post about it with you and my investigations

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago


Excellent work with marathon on game!

Meanwhile, news in attachment!

Even if for now not completely, I changed an image in game!


1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Update : after several (and I mean several) tries, I can get the image attached, it would seem very close to the right colors for the modified image!


UPDATE! It's only one image,but ... IT WORKS! :D


enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

good work! things like that waste a lot of time, its a very difficult task what are you doing, so, the only thing i can say it that your are doing a excellent work.

if you need something about how game uses palletes, tell me.

by the other hand , im modifing the exe with a launcher, and at this moment i can give the adversary a vagabond! :) and four drivers can participate in the last race for example.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much!

Without patching the exe, it's also more difficult because as you know better than me, exe controls total file size for BPAs (it's patchable of course in some bytes of exe).

All this task is to try to modify circuits, because, if I'm not mistaken also track logic relies partly on color parsing.

What I know or maybe know about tracks:

All this leaves us with sce and sha files as images (?) and more of all with tab,dat and bin files. The latter have fixed size.

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

as a I see in the decompiled exe the first 10 bytes of the ima files are not read. the program start to read the ima file at the byte 10 and read the palette of the image.

ima, lr1 sizes are read from the inf file as far as i know

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

the ima image is the background of the circuit, the image that have few rectangular blocks represents the sectors of the circuit to avoid using shortcuts and know where you are in the lap.

the file with black border represent the positions wich the car can be in.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your informations. I'm still watching at track data files and images combined.

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

Hi Simone,

ยฟCan you extract the files of another circuit like The_Arena_so_far.zip file you extracted days ago?

I'm debugging the original exe and this information can help me (and you of course) to know the format of the tab files.

Thank you very much.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Hi Enrique,

Yes, I can extract (and I extracted) files from all circuits.

Tab files, dat files and inf file are extracted from BPA "as they are", six files in total. This leaves us with another seven (six for The Arena) BPK files to examine. As you know, they are images with an header followed by palette followed by image data.

(sce and sha files : I haven't depth these files yet)

Some remarks: tab files are always of 256 bytes, drv dat files always 2048 bytes, inf bin always 508 bytes and ohi dat always 1024 bytes. Also, mas and ima files for each track are always the same size, same for lr1 and vai; these four files have 778 byte header (10 at the beginning followed by a 768 byte palette).

Let me know what information/files can be useful to you.

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

I'm searching the relationship between the ohi.dat and vai.bpk file, so It can be very usefull to have another vai.bpk decompressed to test a few things.

I think if I solve this problem, the ohi.dat file structure, we'll can undestand the other files structure.

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

The sce.bpk it a set of textures/images

Offset (byte) Size (bytes) Information
0 1 block size
1 3152 * block size one texture
3152 * block size +1 1 second block size
3152 * block size +2 44*second block size this texture/image is calculated only if the second block size is not equals to 0
(3152 block size) +(44secon block size) + 2 390000 for TR1/TR2 , 300000 for others another texture/image

I hope this information is usefull for you :).

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Yes, maybe is very useful. I think they are sprites for other images not extracted yet (boxes, out of bounds floors, and similar). sha files suggests instead informations about shadows (?)

In attachment, vai files part into images and maybe palettes extracted from 768 bytes out of 778 of header file of ima, mas,vai and lr1 files.


Moreover, watching your dr.c code, sometimes strangely some file part(s) are not read at all.

Question, so, first part of sce file is not "encoded" ? Or we have to expand BPK as in other cases so far?

Update: Nevermind :) The answer is to expand as in other BPKs

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the images!

Here is how is sha file is readed:

Offset (byte) Size (bytes) Information
0 4 first header
4 4 second header
8 4*first header
4*first header + 8 4*first header
8*first header + 8 4*first header
12*first header + 8 4*second header
4(first header+second header+ 2first header) + 8 4*second header
12 first header + 8second header + 8 4*second header

All this elements must be decrypter.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Hi Enrique, you are welcome!

As an example , about sce bpk file for The Arena : first block size byte value should be 84, second block size byte value 24, final part of file (actually almost half of it) has zeroes.

For TR1, they should be 61 and 37 respectively.

But, for first image/texture I haven't any clue about width and height, looking at inf bin file doesn't help me, unless I have to consider multiple "sub-textures" included in first block of 3152*84 bytes

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Hi Enrique!

Here is a summary table for sha / sce files. I'm pretty sure the values are accurate, but I have no clues yet about the size and height of the images / textures from the inf file.

By any chance do you have indications in other files of these values?

Track File SCE 1st block size byte SCE 2nd block size byte SHA 1st header size byte SHA 2nd header size byte SHA EXP size SHA OK
TR0 84 24 242 182 5096 *
TR1 61 37 207 167 4496 *
TR2 39 19 224 200 5096 *
TR3 73 12 250 197 5372 *
TR4 44 31 136 118 3056 *
TR5 63 17 252 174 5120 *
TR6 68 10 246 220 5600 *
TR7 54 10 247 189 5240 *
TR8 56 25 192 180 4472 *
TR9 70 9 254 188 5312 *

I hope this table will be useful for your tests.

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

Hi Simone! Great work!,

At this moment this files (including the inf file) are very confusing for me. I think this files are not clean textures, probably it contains the 3d objects shown in the race. One think I'm sure is that we are near to know how this files are used in the game.

This week I try decompile and identify some parts of the circuit loading, so its posible that I can give you more information about that.

One thing I see this weekend is that when mas file contains a black color game load data from ski and blo files. Depending on one condition the game uses the ski or the blo file.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Hi Enrique!

In fact, in most mas files there is black color, maybe in others I extracted wrong palette?

Mas file so far in attachment tr_mas_files_v1.zip

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

Here is how is inf file is readed:

Offset (byte) Size (bytes) Information
0 4 ima/mas file height or width
4 4 ima/mas file height or width
8 4 vai file zones
12 4 ?
16 4 ?
20 4 ?
24 4 ?
28 4 ?
32 4 ?
36 4 ?
40 4 ?
44 4 ?
48 4 ?
52 4 ?
56 4 ?
60 4 *10 unkown array
100 32*4 unkown array

Lr1 and vai heigth and width is ima file dimensions /4

As you see the third number is the vai fiel zones :). It is a little advance.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Hi Enrique, thanks for the answer

Lr1 and vai heigth and width is ima file dimensions /4 As you see the third number is the vai fiel zones :). It is a little advance.

Yes, I agree ๐Ÿ˜„ I had noticed it extracting these files. Also, following integers should be width and height of vai/lr1 files.

Question : These informations are obtained from your code tests or are deducted from file(s) itself? In the first case, I could write here a table with first 15 integers of inf file(s)

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

The only thing I advance is in the third number. For example if you take the TR7-inf this value is 21, and its the same as the colored znes in the TR7-vai.bpk.

The other informations I've obtained is by decompiling the code and confirming this things with the files you provided me :).

The first 15 integer (probably more than one of that are floats :( ) are separated numbers, but the arrays have one relation itself.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Here you are the complete table of first 15 integer of files!

It's worth noting that "third value" following vai file zones value is always the same in file!

Track File value value value Informations
TR0 1408 512 20 ima&mas w/ima&mas h/vai fz
TR0 427 394 72 vai(&lr1) w/vai(&lr1) h/?
TR0 394 354 72 ?/?/?
TR0 367 394 72 ?/?/?
TR0 337 354 72 ?/?/?
TR1 960 600 20 ima&mas w/ima&mas h/vai fz
TR1 277 173 77 vai(&lr1) w/vai(&lr1) h/?
TR1 245 149 77 ?/?/?
TR1 219 190 77 ?/?/?
TR1 188 166 77 ?/?/?
TR2 960 600 24 ima&mas w/ima&mas h/vai fz
TR2 510 381 72 vai(&lr1) w/vai(&lr1) h/?
TR2 495 342 72 ?/?/?
TR2 453 381 72 ?/?/?
TR2 438 342 72 ?/?/?
TR3 800 956 31 ima&mas w/ima&mas h/vai fz
TR3 518 275 0 vai(&lr1) w/vai(&lr1) h/?
TR3 554 297 0 ?/?/?
TR3 518 316 0 ?/?/?
TR3 554 337 0 ?/?/?
TR4 600 1024 17 ima&mas w/ima&mas h/vai fz
TR4 413 479 88 vai(&lr1) w/vai(&lr1) h/?
TR4 440 500 88 ?/?/?
TR4 385 519 88 ?/?/?
TR4 414 540 88 ?/?/?
TR5 1280 456 30 ima&mas w/ima&mas h/vai fz
TR5 851 356 18 vai(&lr1) w/vai(&lr1) h/?
TR5 886 342 18 ?/?/?
TR5 914 378 18 ?/?/?
TR5 950 364 18 ?/?/?
TR6 800 800 17 ima&mas w/ima&mas h/vai fz
TR6 610 311 48 vai(&lr1) w/vai(&lr1) h/?
TR6 644 293 48 ?/?/?
TR6 628 264 48 ?/?/?
TR6 662 246 48 ?/?/?
TR7 1016 716 21 ima&mas w/ima&mas h/vai fz
TR7 340 577 24 vai(&lr1) w/vai(&lr1) h/?
TR7 370 610 24 ?/?/?
TR7 397 577 24 ?/?/?
TR7 427 610 24 ?/?/?
TR8 1040 676 28 ima&mas w/ima&mas h/vai fz
TR8 576 403 72 vai(&lr1) w/vai(&lr1) h/?
TR8 525 368 72 ?/?/?
TR8 472 403 72 ?/?/?
TR8 426 368 72 ?/?/?
TR9 864 736 22 ima&mas w/ima&mas h/vai fz
TR9 577 171 84 vai(&lr1) w/vai(&lr1) h/?
TR9 536 170 84 ?/?/?
TR9 540 204 84 ?/?/?
TR9 497 203 84 ?/?/?
enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

The vai/lr1 dimensions are calculated via the ima and mas dimensions in the code:

circuitVaiBpk_width_4A6858 = circuitWidth_464F40>> 2; circuitVaiBpk_height_503508 = circuitHeight_4A7CF8>> 2; circuitLR1Bpk_width_4A9B90 = circuitWidth_464F40>> 2; circuitLR1Bpk_height_467000 = circuitHeight_4A7CF8>> 2;

Thanks for the table!, I see this numbers and it apears to be points in the ima/mas file, probably the 4 start race positions. The repeated value, at this moment I have no idea what is this. I need to check it with the code!

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

The TR0 circuit is clear :)

Track File value value value Informations
TR0 1408 512 20 ima&mas w/ima&mas h/vai fz
TR0 427 394 72 driver 1 starting position w /driver 1 starting position h /?
TR0 394 354 72 driver 2 starting position w /driver 2 starting position h /?
TR0 367 394 72 driver 3 starting position w /driver 3 starting position h /?
TR0 337 354 72 driver 4 starting position w /driver 4 starting position h /?

I take this circuit because starting grid position are in horizontal position.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

yes, sorry, my mistake in table :) (by the way, you are welcome)

4 10 and 32 4 array are always the same in each file? If this is the case, there are 280 bytes completly unknown (no clues about size nor about meaning)

280 = 508-60-(4 10)-(32 4)

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

I don't explain well ,

Taken the TR0 table the first car starts the race on the pixel 4271408 + 394 (first position y axis circuit width + first position x axis) of the ima file.

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Yes, and watching other files I can confirm you that they are x and y coordinates of the starting position in ima (or mas) file.

I'm wondering where are coordinates of drivers starting positions in reverse circuit case

(I'll try to rotate image and guess where starting points are)

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

For reverse circuits this points are calculated as the image is reversed. Think that the reverse circuit is fully calculated in code, except the pal file. So its posible to play in the arena reversed :)

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Yes, you're right, there aren't searched pixel values of reversed circuit.

Meanwhile, here you are table of "first unknown array" of 4 * 10 from your inf table

Track File value value value value
TR0 555 358 799 385
TR0 1130 361 1218 169
TR0 1042 152 880 132
TR0 675 143 374 133
TR0 280 146 155 206
TR0 167 315 324 392
TR0 181 176 1243 256
TR0 10 10 10 10
TR0 509 437 0 1
TR0 1123 322 1 1
TR1 390 67 543 82
TR1 645 77 919 158
TR1 752 214 761 408
TR1 736 540 602 395
TR1 635 401 125 549
TR1 127 458 172 215
TR1 39 257 874 559
TR1 859 406 220 323
TR1 295 90 0 1
TR1 307 70 1 1
TR2 607 349 816 404
TR2 568 573 304 556
TR2 138 320 108 155
TR2 265 78 718 61
TR2 810 137 814 222
TR2 463 266 406 326
TR2 392 384 332 151
TR2 391 215 229 321
TR2 578 309 2 1
TR2 777 436 1 1
TR3 468 48 310 246
TR3 225 343 352 441
TR3 97 666 129 854
TR3 207 698 411 894
TR3 560 794 641 604
TR3 717 416 629 350
TR3 682 183 43 373
TR3 738 612 37 459
TR3 571 225 2 1
TR3 578 206 1 1
TR4 529 386 447 261
TR4 345 133 162 122
TR4 124 257 192 454
TR4 83 579 41 741
TR4 173 865 224 779
TR4 309 714 455 733
TR4 18 306 458 892
TR4 247 667 197 425
TR4 423 415 2 1
TR4 431 392 1 1
TR5 753 301 575 297
TR5 413 336 170 404
TR5 248 264 418 95
TR5 680 204 658 88
TR5 1164 59 1049 202
TR5 986 268 1173 341
TR5 1150 412 48 87
TR5 623 104 893 231
TR5 820 365 0 1
TR5 750 357 2 1
TR6 648 456 663 588
TR6 594 714 496 612
TR6 371 500 250 636
TR6 89 588 92 413
TR6 159 240 291 141
TR6 422 227 600 135
TR6 694 208 417 483
TR6 277 642 186 311
TR6 682 370 0 1
TR6 697 388 1 1
TR7 180 570 77 440
TR7 120 220 133 64
TR7 435 277 587 449
TR7 792 215 727 137
TR7 879 204 960 386
TR7 663 633 569 666
TR7 544 558 412 390
TR7 761 428 417 61
TR7 244 640 0 1
TR7 220 639 2 1
TR8 704 374 818 496
TR8 805 621 994 404
TR8 751 140 455 255
TR8 289 148 59 129
TR8 268 396 135 458
TR8 470 605 567 564
TR8 940 447 523 262
TR8 777 222 350 489
TR8 790 560 0 1
TR8 811 554 2 1
TR9 643 88 750 190
TR9 528 437 698 469
TR9 752 553 534 595
TR9 404 623 99 608
TR9 184 467 131 268
TR9 117 134 388 185
TR9 429 262 447 530
TR9 427 351 263 390
TR9 652 13 0 1
TR9 697 363 1 1
1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Maybe it's only a coincidence for this particular track (TR7), but if I take these 40 bytes two for two and consider it as a coordinate for a point, I notice that most of them are in track, and first thirteen "points" are also sequentially along the lap! Also, other three points are on track, another two are slightly off track (but if you are in these point you can have part of car on track)

In attachment: yellow points are start points (these are sure and verified now ๐Ÿ˜„ ) , white points are the sequence of "points" on track and on correct path of lap, red points are on track but after previous sequence, green points are off track. There are files with points and with lines.


enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago


Yes, you are probably right :). I revised the code and the first array I comment earlier to you contains 32 values, as you see, it appears to be points. The other array at this moment is unkown for me, but this values can perfectly be points.

Offset (byte) Size (bytes) Information
0 4 ima/mas file height or width
4 4 ima/mas file height or width
8 4 vai file zones
12 4*3 driver 1 start position w /driver 1 start position h /?
24 4*3 driver 2 start position w /driver 2 start position h /?
36 4*3 driver 3 start position w /driver 3 start position h /?
48 4*3 driver 4 start position w /driver 4 start position h /?
60 32*4 array points
188 80*4 array points
1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

Let me understand ๐Ÿ˜„

If you have 32 * 4 and my assumption about two bytes points is correct, we have 64 points for first array? So maybe 160 points for second?

Or maybe we have 32 lines, each passing through two points?

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago


The last array of points can be the position of the public!

Can you check this?

The decompiled code is very confusing in this aspect, but the game uses this point to draw the pedestrinans

enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

The first array stores 16 points, because each point have 2 coordinates and each coordinate uses 4 bytes.

Sorry for my english, I dont explain my ideas as well as in spanish.

The second array contains 40 points (40 pedestrians)

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

The decompiled code is very confusing in this aspect, but the game uses this point to draw the pedestrinans

Really, the decompiled code is confusing in almost all aspects ๐Ÿ˜ and you're doing an excellent work!

Should I try 64 and 160 points or 32 and 80 respectively ?

1Simo1 commented 6 years ago

About final part of file : I have checked first six values and I think you are right, these are the position of pedestrians! (First two near start line, other four along above very short straight). First two integers of four are a point, others maybe type of pedestrian (?)

This means that for each track there are 20 pedestrians.

Track File value value value value
TR7 244 640 0 1
TR7 220 639 2 1
TR7 184 128 0 1
TR7 205 132 0 1
TR7 322 127 1 1
TR7 345 135 2 1
TR7 588 358 2 1
TR7 623 364 0 1
TR7 646 368 1 1
TR7 816 198 1 1
TR7 838 210 0 1
TR7 820 219 2 1
TR7 818 282 1 0
TR7 843 301 0 1
TR7 720 540 1 1
TR7 702 544 1 1
TR7 383 538 2 1
TR7 360 540 0 1
TR7 345 640 1 1
TR7 318 634 2 1
enriquesomolinos commented 6 years ago

mmmm, yes you are right, there is only 20 pedestrians, the third and fourth number probably is the pedestrian image rotation.

So, the inf file only have 2 unkonw items, the pedestrian rotation and the starting grip point third value.