ensdomains / docs

Main documentation site for the ENS protocol
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Feedback on ENS Documentation to Improve Developer Experience #294

Open easonchai opened 1 month ago

easonchai commented 1 month ago

Hello ENS team!

I've been using you guys for the past 4 years, and it has been an absolute joy. This year, I decided to put a twist to my usual hackathon experience and decided to sponsor and mentor a bunch of new Web3 developers as a way for them to grow. Working closely with new developers during this hackathon, I've gathered substantial feedback regarding the ENS documentation. Many newcomers faced challenges while integrating ENS into their projects due to gaps and inconsistencies in the documentation. Below, I've detailed specific areas where the documentation could be improved to enhance the developer experience, especially for those who are new to blockchain development.

1. Clarify Multi-Chain ENS Resolution

Relevant Pages:


import { useAccount, useEnsName, useEnsAvatar } from "wagmi";

const Name = () => {
  const { data: ensName } = useEnsAddress({
    address: "luc.eth",
    chainId: 1, // As a new developer, I might try to use my own chain I am building on, and not either Mainnet, Sepolia, or Holesky.

  return <div>{ensName || address}</div>;


Example: Network Chain ID
Ethereum 1
Sepolia 11155111
Holesky 17000

While you do have information on the deployments & their relevant addresses, this is not "beginner friendly" since they don't even know which chains can they use ENS on yet: https://docs.ens.domains/learn/deployments

2. Enhance Subdomain Documentation with Code Examples

Relevant Pages:



3. Improve Documentation Structure and Navigation

Relevant Pages:



4. Address Technical Issues with the Documentation Site




Improving these aspects of the ENS documentation will significantly enhance the developer experience, particularly for those new to blockchain and ENS. Clear, consistent, and comprehensive documentation empowers developers to integrate ENS smoothly into their projects.

I'm more than willing to contribute further by providing code examples or assisting with documentation updates. Please let me know how I can help.

Thank you for your consideration.

Additional Notes:

Please feel free to reach out if any clarification is needed on the feedback provided.

Best regards, Eason