With solidity 0.6.0 introducing breaking changes, it is not possible for smart contract using solidity 0.6.0 to import contract sources using ^0.5.0 such as those in this repository.
A solution is to, rather then importing the actual source, rely on an interface with pragma >=0.4.24 such as ENS.sol. However, there isn't such an interface for the reverse registrar.
This PR solves this by adding such an interface that can be imported by smart contract using ^0.5.0 of ^0.6.0
With solidity 0.6.0 introducing breaking changes, it is not possible for smart contract using solidity 0.6.0 to import contract sources using ^0.5.0 such as those in this repository.
A solution is to, rather then importing the actual source, rely on an interface with pragma >=0.4.24 such as
. However, there isn't such an interface for the reverse registrar.This PR solves this by adding such an interface that can be imported by smart contract using ^0.5.0 of ^0.6.0