ensenso / nxlib-python-interface

The official Python interface to interact with the Ensenso NxLib
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About picture information acquisition and resizing #16

Closed aaaa47080 closed 2 years ago

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Exceuse me, @saierd saierd, The first point is that I want to start from ITM RENDER POINT Depth information was extracted from map, but ITM was found RENDER POINT There are three channels in the map. I have looked at each channel separately and can probably confirm whether the second channel (respectively) is our real depth information.Sorry i can't find reopen choose so i recreate a issue.

Supplement: my original idea was that depth information is a single channel, but I can't seem to find depth information with only a single channel. So we can only grab the depth information in this way. If I want you to tell me how to get such information,and below is my code

from ensenso_nxlib import NxLibCommand, NxLibItem
from ensenso_nxlib.constants import *
import ensenso_nxlib
import cv2
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

stereo_serial = "193244"
mono_serial = "4103989237"


cmd = NxLibCommand(CMD_OPEN)
cmd.parameters()[ITM_CAMERAS][0] = stereo_serial
cmd.parameters()[ITM_CAMERAS][1] = mono_serial

stero_cam = NxLibItem()[ITM_CAMERAS][stereo_serial]
param = json.dumps(json.load(open('parameter5.json', "r")))
stero_cam << param
print('Load the stereo Camera parameter file....')

mono_cam = NxLibItem()[ITM_CAMERAS][mono_serial]
param = json.dumps(json.load(open('parameter5.json', "r")))
mono_cam << param
print('Load the  mono  Camera parameter file....')


#parameters_tree_json =  json.dumps(json.load(open('23.json', "r")))
cmd = NxLibCommand(CMD_RENDER_POINT_MAP)
cmd.parameters()[ITM_SIZE] = [256, 256]
# cmd.parameters()[ITM_SIZE] << parameters_tree_json
par = cmd.parameters().as_json()
# print(par)

depth = NxLibItem()[ITM_IMAGES][ITM_RENDER_POINT_MAP].get_binary_data()

depth_1 = depth[:,:,0]
depth_2 = depth[:,:,1]
depth_3 = depth[:,:,2]

And another question is to continue the question just now I want to get the depth channel from the code above. Its size is 768 1024, but I want to modify it to 256 256 I use cmd.parameters() [itm_size] = [256, 256] and other mentioned by Mr. before cmd.parameters()[ITM_SIZE] << parameters_numpy_Array method, but the final images are 768 * 1024, otherwise there will be errors, so I want to ask you how to correctly adjust the image size. Sorry to bother you, sir

saierd commented 2 years ago

RenderPointMap as you execute it does a telecentric projection of the point cloud as described in the documentation of the command. All 3 channels of the resulting image is your depth data. They contain the x, y and z coordinates of the points. There is the ZBufferOnly parameter to output only the z coordinates, if your workspace is oriented in a way that you are only interested in the height of the points.

The Size parameter for choosing the size of the rendered image works as you thought, but you did not specify the parameter correctly. The Python API does not support assignment of Python arrays to an NxLibItem at the moment (although this might be a good idea).

What you can do instead is assign the nodes separately like this:

cmd.parameters()[ITM_SIZE][0] = 256
cmd.parameters()[ITM_SIZE][1] = 256

or assign a JSON string to it like this:

cmd.parameters()[ITM_SIZE] << "[256, 256]"
aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Thank you sir, but what I am wondering is that the color image result (RGB & alpha) in RENDER_POINT_MAP_TEXTURE is corresponding to our depth information, so will there be any difference from the color image of the original monocular camera? Can I use the color of the original monocular camera? Will this cause errors in depth image and color coordinate comparison?

Second, the image is combined with the depth obtained in RENDER_POINT_MAP to form one (RGBD data is fine), and if the data obtained by RENDER_POINT_MAP_TEXTURE must be used, is it necessary to keep the alpha channel, because it seems to only distinguish whether the triangle mesh can be stitched ( Is there a broken image), if so, can I use the alpha channel and mark (0 or 255) the part of the array that may appear nan due to broken image in the subsequent array?

I am sorry to you, sir I have a lot of questions...

saierd commented 2 years ago
aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

I have a little question about the first point raised by Mr.

So although the (RGB, not talking about alpha channel) in the RenderPointMap Texture is the color of the projected object, not the color of the real object, we can still use it as an independent feature (like the real RGB of the object), right?

As I mentioned above, I can take the depth single channel of RenderPointMap and combine the first three channels of RGB in RenderPointMapTexture as my physical features (in the sense, it means that the same object will have similar values), forming four RGBD meaningful feature data.

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Then I tried to make the fourth point of the single-lens camera mentioned by Mr. The code is as follows, but the image I presented seems to be a bit broken. At first, I considered whether the environment was too complicated and caused the possibility of laser propagation. The sending and receiving is not complete, so it should be changed to Dunchun’s wall and a book for testing, but it still seems to break the picture. I hope that Mr. can trouble you to point out the problem I did.

Code and Image is below: image_1

from ensenso_nxlib import NxLibCommand, NxLibItem
from ensenso_nxlib.constants import *
import ensenso_nxlib
import cv2
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np

stereo_serial = "193244"
mono_serial = "4103989237"


cmd = NxLibCommand(CMD_OPEN)
cmd.parameters()[ITM_CAMERAS][0] = stereo_serial
cmd.parameters()[ITM_CAMERAS][1] = mono_serial

stero_cam = NxLibItem()[ITM_CAMERAS][stereo_serial]
param = json.dumps(json.load(open('parameter5.json', "r")))
stero_cam << param
print('Load the stereo Camera parameter file....')

mono_cam = NxLibItem()[ITM_CAMERAS][mono_serial]
param = json.dumps(json.load(open('parameter5.json', "r")))
mono_cam << param
print('Load the  mono  Camera parameter file....')


# parameters_tree_json =  json.dumps(json.load(open('23.json', "r")))
cmd = NxLibCommand(CMD_RENDER_POINT_MAP)
cmd.parameters()[ITM_CAMERA] = mono_serial
cmd.parameters()[ITM_NEAR] = 1
cmd.parameters()[ITM_FAR] = 10000
cmd.parameters()[ITM_SIZE][0] = 1280
cmd.parameters()[ITM_SIZE][1] = 1280
# cmd.parameters()[ITM_FILL_XY_COORDINATES] = True
# cmd.parameters()[ITM_Z_BUFFER_ONLY] = True

depth = NxLibItem()[ITM_IMAGES][ITM_RENDER_POINT_MAP_TEXTURE].get_binary_data()
depth_1 = depth[0:1280,0:1280]

cv2.imwrite('image_1.png', depth)


saierd commented 2 years ago

I think I don't really understand your first question. RenderPointMap creates an image according to the view pose you specified and fills

Regarding your screenshots:

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Because I want to use the acquired features for deep training, I want to make sure that the features between them are independent, just like the RGB three channels are independent features. Just need more in-depth information now…

Below is the new image after the Clibration:


aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Excuse me sir, is there a command to turn off the LED light of the Ensenso N35? Because he seems to have a different image every time he takes a photo.

This would prevent me from using the same standard when working with images.

Below is the half-processed picture, you can find that when taking pictures, one picture has LED lights, but the other one does not.

r_0+ r_1+

saierd commented 2 years ago

The projector can be disabled with the Projector node.

The pattern is required for good stereo matching, though. If you want to have both depth and color images without texture, you cannot trigger the cameras at the same time.

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your answer, sir

If the LED is turned on all the time and not turned off, I don't know if there will be the above problems?

saierd commented 2 years ago

Yes, if the texture in the color image is not a problem for you, you can also leave the projector enabled.

In that case, the timing of the exposure of the mono camera is important. If you use software trigger as above, it is a bit random and that is why you sometimes see the texture and sometimes not.

To prevent this, you can use a hardware trigger for the color camera. You need a trigger cable between the devices and then set up the hardware trigger in the NxLib as described here.

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Thank you sir, I wonder if you can provide a python writing example that can keep the projector enabled, because I actually want to try it, but I can't find how to write it. It is different from the way Command has parameters directly.

saierd commented 2 years ago

The example from the manual shows you the nodes in the JSON tree and the commands you have to use to set up hardware trigger. For Python, you just have to translate the syntax a bit. E.g.

camera[itmParameters][itmCapture][itmTriggerMode] = valFallingEdge;



See the readme for some general information on the differences between the C++ and the Python API.

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, i will try later.

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Sir, I tried it but got an error message

    "Result": {
            "ErrorSymbol": "StereoCameraModel",
            "ErrorText": "Stereo camera model not initialized.",

I do not know why

from ensenso_nxlib import NxLibCommand, NxLibItem
from ensenso_nxlib.constants import *
import ensenso_nxlib
import cv2
import numpy as np
import time 
import warnings

path_num = 0
while path_num != 3:
    stereo_serial = "193244"
    mono_serial = "4103989237"


    cmd = NxLibCommand(CMD_OPEN)
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_CAMERAS][0] = stereo_serial
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_CAMERAS][1] = mono_serial

    stero_cam = NxLibItem()[ITM_CAMERAS][stereo_serial]
    param = json.dumps(json.load(open('parameter12.json', "r")))
    stero_cam << param
    print('Load the stereo Camera parameter file....')

    mono_cam = NxLibItem()[ITM_CAMERAS][mono_serial]

    param = json.dumps(json.load(open('parameter12.json', "r")))
    mono_cam << param
    print('Load the  mono  Camera parameter file....')

    cmd = NxLibCommand(CMD_RENDER_POINT_MAP)
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_CAMERA] = mono_serial
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_NEAR] = 10
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_FAR] = 500
saierd commented 2 years ago

Oh, I actually linked the wrong guide. Here ist the correct one.

You have to enable the output of one camera and set the trigger mode of the other camera, depending on how you connected them. Usually the stereo cameras gets software triggered and the RGB cameras needs a trigger mode.

You can also open both cameras in NxView and play with these parameters to make sure that the cable is connected correctly and hardware trigger works.

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, sir . If still have any other question, i will open again. Thank you so much.

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago
from turtle import color
from ensenso_nxlib import NxLibCommand, NxLibItem
from ensenso_nxlib.constants import *
import ensenso_nxlib
import cv2
import numpy as np
import time 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings

P_FAR = 900
P_NEAR = 300

path_num = 0
while path_num != 1:
    stereo_serial = "193244"
    mono_serial = "4103989237"


    cmd = NxLibCommand(CMD_OPEN)
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_CAMERAS][0] = stereo_serial
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_CAMERAS][1] = mono_serial

    stero_cam = NxLibItem()[ITM_CAMERAS][stereo_serial]
    mono_cam = NxLibItem()[ITM_CAMERAS][mono_serial]

    caputer = NxLibCommand(CMD_CAPTURE)
    caputer.parameters()[ITM_WAIT_FOR_PROJECTOR] = True


    cmd = NxLibCommand(CMD_RENDER_POINT_MAP)
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_Z_BUFFER_ONLY] = True
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_FILL_XY_COORDINATES] = True
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_NEAR] = P_NEAR
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_FAR] = P_FAR
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_SIZE][0] = 512
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_SIZE][1] = 512
    cmd.parameters()[ITM_VIEW_POSE] << json.dumps(json.load(open('22.json', "r")))
    depth = NxLibItem()[ITM_IMAGES][ITM_RENDER_POINT_MAP].get_binary_data()

I'm sorry to bother you, sir, I want to ask two questions

  1. What is the unit measured by depth?

  2. Why do I get a larger depth value when I swing something close, but a smaller depth when I swing it away? I've tried tilting the object back, but I've found that tilting it back reduces the depth.

saierd commented 2 years ago

It is difficult to say what might be inverted in your case. You can try to verify coordinates by opening your cameras in NxView, switching to "Point Cloud (Z channel)" and "Rendered Projection (Z channel)" (this uses the RenderPointMap command) mode in the bottom right corner and hovering over the images to see the z values. In the 3D view you can also see the direction of coordinate axes from the drawn axes in the center.

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Thanks sir, i will try again.

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Sir, i have tried but i confirmed my ensenso sdk version is 3.2.489 (latest)

The python ensenso_nxlib version is 0.4.0 (latest)

But the problem of its depth and size exchange still exists. I don't know if there are other possible reasons.

saierd commented 2 years ago

Did you try to verify your setup in NxView?

aaaa47080 commented 2 years ago

Right! The depth on NxView is normal and it gets deeper with the slope, but the depth captured on Python is reversed.

But I just experimented and found that the problem of depth inversion is only when I want to get a single channel Z.

cmd.parameters()[ITM_Z_BUFFER_ONLY] = True
cmd.parameters()[ITM_FILL_XY_COORDINATES] = True

But direct viewing on Nxview will not have this problem, the depth data captured with python SDK will be reversed

I don't know why there is this problem

saierd commented 2 years ago

Closing this ticket, since I am archiving this repository. Please contact support if you have further questions.