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Look into problems with ESPN parsing #126

Open camerondavison opened 13 years ago

camerondavison commented 13 years ago

The following SQL shows some strange games that ESPN is giving us, or potentially problems in the game parsing code. With it I found some games that had the home/visitor reversed so I put in some code that will try to keep those ee4085b62c354a7abbb7 straight.

FROM  `scores` 
WHERE  `created` =  `modified` 
AND  `created` !=0
AND game_date <  '2010-12-20'

I am opening this ticket so I can remember to look into why there seems to be a ton at 2:00:00

camerondavison commented 13 years ago

i am pretty sure that this is solved because the server is now in the same timezone as ESPN. I am pretty sure what happend is we hit http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/scoreboard and instead of saying the date. It says Today's Games which I then decided meant whatever the server thought today was. If ESPN and the server thought today were different then that was the problem. I am going to leave this open to try and remember to check the behavior for another day.

by looking at the logs it seems like it does not show up consistantely.

also, i should clean up what I can before closing this up.

camerondavison commented 12 years ago
FROM  `scores` 
WHERE  `created` =  `modified` 
AND  `created` !=0
AND game_date < DATE( NOW( ) ) 
AND active =1
ORDER BY  `scores`.`game_date` DESC 

this looks like its still happening. although i am assuming that it must have to do with changing pitchers or something. the NCAAB did it a few times in may, but I have no idea why.