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Let pitchers be searchable #153

Closed camerondavison closed 13 years ago

camerondavison commented 13 years ago

it'd be great if the search bar could allow users to search by pitcher's last name.

For instance, above, if you could type "Tillman" and have it bring up any games involving Baltimore Orioles C. Tillman that'd be ideal.

camerondavison commented 13 years ago

So just to keep in mind. It may be awesome to be able to do a search like Pitcher A v Pitcher B over a long period of time. Problem is right now that would not really help, because we do not expose people to any statistics on games. It may be nice to have previous games link to a result or something to make this worth while. Maybe even if a user has bet on that game already it could link to the last bet that they did an the result. So if they type in Pitcher A v Pitcher B and click on an old bet then they could get some information on it. I am not sure just kinda brainstorming here. In baseball though, Pitcher A v Pitcher B is probably never going to come up in tho future because it has not been planned that far in advance.

camerondavison commented 13 years ago

It seems as though this collides with some logic that already exists to figure out abbreviations of teams and such, until it gets to about 4 to 5 characters in. Since people searching for pitchers will probably be fine typing in the whole name I think I would like to err on the side of making them type in more parts of the pitchers names, that way it does not clutter up the results. you can disagree if you want.