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Figure out way to cancel games that don't go >= 5 innings #158

Open ensignlee opened 13 years ago

ensignlee commented 13 years ago

For all MLB bets, games must go >= 5 innings to be official. Sometimes they get rained out before that happens. It'd be nice if we were able to do the same thing that books do and cancel games that get postponed before 5 innings.

This can be a low priority though, since users themselves obviously know which games have been cancelled and can delete games themselves if it happens, but it'd be a nice touch. Plus, this situation doesn't come up often.

Basically, we'd need to cancel any games that don't go at least 5 innings so that the wager shows up as cancelled.

camerondavison commented 12 years ago

does this actually happen in practice? i think that we have games cancel if they do not have a final score in something like 48 hours? Would you like for us to be more proactive than that?

ensignlee commented 12 years ago

This happens a few times a season, yes.

camerondavison commented 12 years ago

No i meant, does it happen that the game never gets cancelled. I know that these games exists. Like, is it currently an issue. If it is not getting cancelled then that is a problem, but considering that i think that they are, then are they just not getting canceled fast enough/what is considered appropriate?

ensignlee commented 12 years ago

Well, the problem is that espn will still show it having a score. Like if a game went 4 innings, but then got rained out and delayed, I think ESPN would display the score as like 2-0 or whatever the score was, so we'd still grade it? However, for betting purposes, the game didn't count because it didn't go >= 5 innings.

ensignlee commented 12 years ago

For instance, last Sunday 8/14/11 Minn was playing Clev and Clev went up 1-0 but it got rained out.