ensignlee / ssbook

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Minor formatting things #171

Closed ensignlee closed 13 years ago

ensignlee commented 13 years ago

Figured I'd group a bunch of minor formatting things under 1 ticket, They are all on the view bets page.

1) Under "W-L-T Grouped By" (box on left), change "Wager" to "Size". It's not intuitive that "Wager" means your bet size 2) Make the box on the right "W-L-T Grouped by Bet Type" slightly longer horizontally. Right now, the W-L-T ends up dropping to a 2nd line unnecessarily (you can test by logging in to my username ensignlee pw: UT4hookem), making the boxes bigger than they need to be 3) In the interesting facts box (right above the bet history), change "Team that wins me the most money" to "Best Team for Me" annd "Team that burns my money the most" to "Worst Team for Me" . Hopefully this will fix the issue in Chrome where there are too many words horizontally and so it looks weird (again, test with my username to see problem under default chrome settings). 4) Right align "Win%" and "Won" in the interesting facts box