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Verify ./runner executable on all supported OSes #10329

Closed JaroslavTulach closed 3 days ago

JaroslavTulach commented 1 week ago

Pull Request Description

Follow up to #10126. If we want to use the ./runner executable as the default launcher, we need to make sure it builds and runs on all operating systems we support.


Please ensure that the following checklist has been satisfied before submitting the PR:

JaroslavTulach commented 1 week ago

I guess all the Base_Tests continue to run without any error.

JaroslavTulach commented 1 week ago

Both issues shall be solved by 71b20a7

JaroslavTulach commented 1 week ago

The windows job has succeeded in 14min. The Mac OS X job succeeded as well but it took one hour. Obviously Linux job was successful in 23min. We could make these numbers lower by removing the NI+Espresso build - that one is highly experimental and needs only to be executed on a single platform.

Update after 1b0d22e that removed Espresso+NI check on Mac and Windows we get :