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Deliver expression updates via Ydoc AST elements #11159

Open JaroslavTulach opened 4 days ago

JaroslavTulach commented 4 days ago

To proof the concept of delivering information from the engine to the IDE(s) via Ydoc structures is viable, let's prototype delivery of expression updates. To do following tasks are needed:

### Tasks
- [ ] Design changes to the Ydoc AST structures, so they contain [expression updates](https://github.com/enso-org/enso/blob/5afcb15ff2635f6701afaee2a3927f43fa4f26ed/docs/language-server/protocol-language-server.md#expressionupdate)
- [ ] Implement a way to launch a [GraalVM Insight](https://www.graalvm.org/latest/tools/graalvm-insight/) script in the `EnsoContext` created by `language-server` and expose Ydoc AST to it - see [manual steps](https://github.com/enso-org/enso/issues/11159#issuecomment-2379235662)
- [ ] Use Insight script to update the Ydoc structures with _expression update_ information
- [ ] Change the IDE to use this information instead of the one obtained via [language server protocol](https://github.com/enso-org/enso/blob/5afcb15ff2635f6701afaee2a3927f43fa4f26ed/docs/language-server/protocol-language-server.md)

If this proofs viable, then we can continue delivering visualizations via the AST mechanism.

JaroslavTulach commented 4 days ago

I was chatting about this with @Frizi and if I remember it correctly, the initial step is to setup a TypeScript project to use Vue core and Insight and generate a single file we can then feed into the --vm.D=polyglot.insight=my_script.js and see whether it obtains reactive events properly. I provided Pawel following notes:

We used following sample Enso program:

from Standard.Base import all
import MyCustom.Library

fac n =
    facacc n v =
        if n <= 1 then v else
            @Tail_Call facacc n-1 n*v

    res = facacc n 1

main n=10 k=5 =
    nf = fac n
    kf = fac k
    nkf = Warning.attach "a problem" fac n-k

    nf / (kf*nkf)

instrumented by following JavaScript (with embedded Enso) sketch:

let cache = new Map();

let m = Polyglot.eval("enso", `
    from Standard.Base import all
    import MyCustom.Library

    main =
        6 * 5

insight.on("enter", (ctx, frame) => {
    print("About to execute: " + ctx.name + " at line " + ctx.line)
    for (let p in frame) {
        print(`  value of ${p} is ${frame[p]}`);
}, {
    //statements : true,
    // expressions : true,
    roots : true,
    // expressions : true,

insight.on("return", (ctx, frame) => {
    print(" finish: " + ctx.characters + " return value: "  + ctx.returnValue(frame))
}, {
    //statements : true,
    expressions : true,
    rootNameFilter : '.*main'

the whole sample was then executed as

enso --run ~/fac.enso --vm.D=polyglot.insight=c.js
GraalVM Insight
GraalVM is an advanced JDK with ahead-of-time Native Image compilation.
declaration: package: org.graalvm.tools.insight, class: Insight
Tracing with Insight
GraalVM is an advanced JDK with ahead-of-time Native Image compilation.
JaroslavTulach commented 20 hours ago

Using GraalVM Insight in the IDE

There already is a way to use GraalVM Insight in the IDE. Works with 2024.5.1-nightly.2024.9.27. Here are the steps to follow: create a file x.py and put following code into it:

print("Starting GraalVM Insight!")

def onExit(ctx, frame):
    print(f"Exit from {ctx.name} at {ctx.charIndex}-{ctx.charEndIndex} with {ctx.returnValue(frame)}")

#class At:
#    sourcePath = ".*agent-fib.js"

class Expressions:
    expressions = True
    # at = At()
    # rootNameFilter = ".*main"

insight.on("return", onExit, Expressions())

into it. Then execute the project manager as:

enso$ ENSO_JVM_OPTS=-Dpolyglot.insight=`pwd`/x.py sbt runProjectManagerDistribution

open a project and observe the output. You may need following patch to make the output of print function visible:

diff --git engine/language-server/src/main/scala/org/enso/languageserver/io/ObservableOutputStream.scala engine/language-server/src/main/scala/org/enso/languageserver/io/ObservableOutputStream.scala
index 6cb12517ff..bc6caf8c17 100644
--- engine/language-server/src/main/scala/org/enso/languageserver/io/ObservableOutputStream.scala
+++ engine/language-server/src/main/scala/org/enso/languageserver/io/ObservableOutputStream.scala
@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ class ObservableOutputStream extends OutputStream {
   /** @inheritdoc */
   override def write(byte: Int): Unit = lock.synchronized {
+    System.err.write(byte)

   /** @inheritdoc */
   override def write(bytes: Array[Byte]): Unit = lock.synchronized {
+    System.err.write(bytes)
     if (bytes.length > 0) {
@@ -33,6 +35,7 @@ class ObservableOutputStream extends OutputStream {
   override def write(bytes: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit =
     lock.synchronized {
+      System.err.write(bytes, off, len)
       if (len > 0) {
         val buf = new Array[Byte](len)
         Array.copy(bytes, off, buf, 0, len)