Closed wdanilo closed 3 years ago
Some test code provided, should also be tested when ability to read files come:
mapExampleSanFrancisco = "{latitude: 37.8, longitude: -122.45, zoom: 10, mapStyle: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9'}"
mapExampleScatterPlot = "{latitude:37.8,longitude:-122.45,zoom:12,controller:true,layers:[new deck.ScatterplotLayer({data:[{position: [-122.44, 37.8], color: [255, 0, 0], radius: 100},{position: [-122.45, 37.8], color: [0, 255, 0], radius: 100},{position: [-122.46, 37.8], color: [0, 0, 255], radius: 100}],getColor:d => d.color,getRadius:d => d.radius})]}"
mapExampleNewYork = "{longitude: -74,latitude: 40.76,controller: true,layers: [new deck.ScatterplotLayer({data: '',radiusScale: 10,radiusMinPixels: 0.5,getPosition: d => [d[0], d[1], 0],getColor: d => (d[2] === 1 ? [0, 128, 255] : [255, 0, 128])})]}"
mapExampleGeoJsonLayer = "{latitude: 49.254,longitude: -123.13,pitch: 45,zoom:9,controller: true,layers:[new deck.GeoJsonLayer({data: '',opacity: 0.6,stroked: false,filled: true,extruded: true,wireframe: true,fp64: true,getElevation: f => Math.sqrt( * 10,getFillColor: f => [100, 100, 100],getLineColor: f => [255, 255, 255],pickable: true})]}"
It doesn't work with minimal example "{longitude: 53.15, latitude: 13.4}"
-> map doesn't show up.
also if I define datatype type Geo_Point latitude longitude
and then call
main = Geo_Point 13.4 53.15
the visualisation does not work @BinarySoftware
When opening 2 maps visualizations in IDE in best scenario I have wrong content in the visualization, worst scenario - all nodes disappear.
Integration of the which allows interactive maps visualizations with a lot of possible, predefined layers, like heat maps, transportation paths, and more. Examples:
The visualization should use the Using, which in contrast to the
scripting api
provides a declarative API, which is exactly what we need. Be sure to check the declarative playground! For more information check out the implementation, especially the setProps method.In order to use Mapbox (used internally by, we need an account and token key. Create an Enso account using
email. @iamrecursion will help with it.The visualization input data should be JSON containing a description of the location, all effects, all layers, their parameters, etc. An example config is provided below (please note that location parameters are using different layout than the one provided by the
class):Of course, a shorter version should work as well:
The visualization should be implemented as a JavaScript visualization, according to the JavaScript visualization type documentation and here.
The visualization should be defined as a
file and should be placed in the right place, according to the engine specification - it should be an example visualization implementation, not an embedded visualization placed in Rust codebase!.Acceptance Criteria & Test Cases