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Failing test: Component browser handling of overridden record-mode #9478

Open mwu-tow opened 5 months ago

mwu-tow commented 5 months ago


1) componentBrowser.spec.ts:267:1 › Component browser handling of overridden record-mode ─────────

  Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible()

  Locator: locator('.GraphNode').filter({ has: locator('.binding').and(getByText('data')) }).getByTestId('recordingOverriddenButton')
  Expected: visible
  Received: hidden
  Call log:
    - expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms
    - waiting for locator('.GraphNode').filter({ has: locator('.binding').and(getByText('data')) }).getByTestId('recordingOverriddenButton')

    279 |   await page.mouse.move(100, 80)
    280 |   await page.waitForTimeout(MENU_UNHOVER_CLOSE_DELAY)
  > 281 |   await expect(recordModeIndicator).toBeVisible()
        |                                     ^
    282 |   await locate.graphNodeIcon(node).hover()
    283 |   await expect(recordModeToggle).toHaveClass(/recording-overridden/)
    284 |   // Ensure editing in the component browser doesn't display the override expression.

      at /runner/_work/enso/enso/app/gui2/e2e/componentBrowser.spec.ts:281:37

  attachment #1: trace (application/zip) ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

      npx playwright show-trace test-results/componentBrowser-Component-browser-handling-of-overridden-record-mode/trace.zip


2) edgeInteractions.spec.ts:79:1 › Conditional ports: Enabled ────────────────────────────────────

  Test timeout of 60000ms exceeded.

  Error: locator.click: Test timeout of 60000ms exceeded.
  Call log:
    - waiting for locator('.GraphNode').filter({ has: locator('.binding').and(getByText('filtered')) }).locator('.WidgetPort').filter({ hasText: /^filter$/ })
    -   locator resolved to <div data-h="cc11" data-v-75c00215="" data-v-006ec768…>…</div>
    - attempting click action
    -   waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
    -   element is visible, enabled and stable
    -   scrolling into view if needed
    -   done scrolling
    -   performing click action
    -   <html lang="en">…</html> intercepts pointer events
    - retrying click action, attempt #1
    -   waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
    - element was detached from the DOM, retrying

    90 |   await conditionalPort.hover()
    91 |   await expect(conditionalPort).toHaveClass(/isTarget/)
  > 92 |   await conditionalPort.click()
       |                         ^
    93 |   await expect(node.locator('.WidgetToken')).toHaveText(['final'])
    94 |
    95 |   await page.keyboard.up('Meta')

      at /runner/_work/enso/enso/app/gui2/e2e/edgeInteractions.spec.ts:92:25

  attachment #1: trace (application/zip) ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

      npx playwright show-trace test-results/edgeInteractions-Conditional-ports-Enabled/trace.zip


Slow test file: componentBrowser.spec.ts (2.2m)
Slow test file: edgeInteractions.spec.ts (1.6m)
Slow test file: widgets.spec.ts (1.0m)
Slow test file: collapsingAndEntering.spec.ts (46.2s)
Consider splitting slow test files to speed up parallel execution
2 failed
  componentBrowser.spec.ts:267:1 › Component browser handling of overridden record-mode ──────────
  edgeInteractions.spec.ts:79:1 › Conditional ports: Enabled ─────────────────────────────────────
100 passed (7.7m)

Reported in https://discord.com/channels/401396655599124480/1219381831615381547/1219381831615381547

enso-bot[bot] commented 5 months ago

Adam Obuchowicz reports a new STANDUP for yesterday (2024-03-19):

Progress: Tested the code and see the prompt actually working; then refactor shortcut handler a bit, to being able to have different actions to same bindings (the actions declare if they handled the event, in that case next handlers won't be called). Added test for this feature and shortcuts in general. It should be finished by 2024-03-29.

Next Day: Next day I will be working on the same task. Clean up code and add tests

enso-bot[bot] commented 5 months ago

Adam Obuchowicz reports a new STANDUP for today (2024-03-20):

Progress: Investigated two E2E issues, because they become unbearable. One is fixed, the second has a workaround applied (it works, but I don't quite understand why). Tried to finish AI PoC, but started having problems with the built PM after merging develop. It should be finished by 2024-03-29.

Next Day: Next day I will be working on the same task. try to sort out all the issues on my branch.

farmaazon commented 5 months ago

The issue is worked around, but we should make closer investigation and possibly report a bug to playwright. For now, I lower the priority and put it back to backlog.