ente-io / ente

Fully open source, End to End Encrypted alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Export with photos desktop app is incomplete #2308

Open windmueller opened 3 days ago

windmueller commented 3 days ago


My photos are synced constantly by the ente photos desktop app. In its settings, there are no pending items.

But now I found an album that contains 140 files according to ente. The export directory only has 138 of those files. A diff showed that two images are missing. When downloading the album with the desktop app, all 140 files are present.

Hitting "resync" does not fix this.



What product are you using?

Ente Photos

What platform are you using?

Desktop - Linux

vishnukvmd commented 2 days ago

Hey, there was a concurrency issue that was patched in the latest release.

Could you please quit the app, delete the export_status.json file within your export folder and restart the export? This will reinitiate the export and pull all of your data.

This is a temporary workaround. We're working on adding support for automatic reconciliation. So if you're not in a hurry, please allow us some time, we'll bump up this thread once we've added that as well. Sorry for the troubles!

mnvr commented 2 days ago

Automatic reconciliation (see https://github.com/ente-io/ente/pull/2310) is now available in the latest nightly build (https://github.com/ente-io/photos-desktop/releases).

windmueller commented 1 day ago

I installed the latest nightly (v1.7.2-rc) and the export started right away. However, the items are still not synced.

Is there something I should try before using the workaround mentioned above?

mnvr commented 1 day ago

Could you send your logs and export_status.json to support@ente.io. In your email, could you also mention the item that's not getting synced (name of the collection, and name of the file).

(If you don't wish to share the logs, could you search if the item that is not getting synced is present in (a) the export_status.json, and (b) in the logs, and just send us that info. Please also see if there are any errors being reported in the logs).

mnvr commented 1 day ago

One possibility that comes to mind is that perhaps these are shared items. The app will only export files that are owned by the user (downloading an album individually will include them though).

windmueller commented 1 day ago

One possibility that comes to mind is that perhaps these are shared items.

Good thinking! Those two items are indeed shared by another person.

Is it possible to include them in the export, too?

vishnukvmd commented 1 day ago

Is it possible to include them in the export, too?

Hey, I've created a discussion to track this: https://github.com/ente-io/ente/discussions/2322

Thanks for the feedback!