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Decide fate of apptools.naming #146

Closed corranwebster closed 3 years ago

corranwebster commented 4 years ago

This is an implementation of the Java Naming and Directory Interface - or at least the naming part of that - with specific implementations for a hierarchy of Python objects and for file system stores. It is used by Mayavi, but possibly only as part of the Wx backend.

It is intended to provide a standard API for hierarchical namespaces that standard interfaces can then build on top of, but I have a suspicion that at least some of the code that duplicates the Java APIs is over-engineered for Python (eg. the InitialContextFactory object feels very much like it could just be a callable).

If it is to be kept, then there are some improvements that should be made:

aaronayres35 commented 4 years ago

Coverage report on naming from running the full test suite:

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kitchoi commented 4 years ago

Offline discussion: apptools.naming will be kept (at least for the next release: 5.0) as it is being used downstream (e.g. mayavi).

kitchoi commented 3 years ago

it has its own adapter system; this should be converted to use standard Traits adaptation

That adapter system is removed as part of #219

Offline discussion: apptools.naming will be kept (at least for the next release: 5.0) as it is being used downstream (e.g. mayavi).

I think when we drew this conclusion, we had not explored in details the functionality offered by apptools.naming.ui.api.explore.

Through #219, we now have a better understanding as to what apptools.naming.ui.api.explore does.

From Mayavi2 in a Python 2.7 + wxPython 3 environment (the explore function does not work with wxPython4 or Qt as of pyface 7.1.0):

EDM dependency ``` appdirs 1.4.3-1 enthought/free apptools 4.5.0-2 enthought/free configobj 5.0.6-3 enthought/free curl 7.58.0-1 enthought/free distribute_remove 1.0.0-4 enthought/free envisage 4.8.0-3 enthought/free hdf5 1.10.5-8 enthought/free lib_netcdf4 enthought/free libjpeg 7.0-5 enthought/free liblzma 5.2.4-2 enthought/free libpng 1.6.36-5 enthought/free libtiff 4.0.10-4 enthought/free libxml2 2.9.7-1 enthought/free mayavi 4.7.1-5 enthought/free mkl 2018.0.3-2 enthought/free numpy 1.15.4-2 enthought/free packaging 16.8-3 enthought/free pip 18.1-1 enthought/free pyface 6.1.2-3 enthought/free pygments 2.2.0-1 enthought/free pyparsing 2.2.0-1 enthought/free setuptools 38.2.5-2 enthought/free six 1.11.0-1 enthought/free traits 5.1.2-1 enthought/free traitsui 6.1.3-2 enthought/free vtk 8.1.2-1 enthought/free wxpython enthought/free ```

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The definitions of the objects can be seen in the Python shell behind the top window. The top window is launched when I type explore(person).

Instead of seeing the value directly, I need to drag and drop a node onto the Python prompt to see the value. But say I drag and drop child, which is supposed to be an instance of Child on Person, I get a PyContext object instead of an instance of Child. The mapping dictionary is also confusing to read, neither does it show all the nested values, because the adapter for trait dict is not actually applied.

Personally I find the functionality somewhat underwhelming, but maybe there are other useful capabilities yet to be found.

kitchoi commented 3 years ago

Further offline discussion:

rahulporuri commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue now as the fate of apptools.naming has been decided and apptools.naming.ui has been removed.