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Introduce IDataContext to consolidate context adaptation. #18

Closed pberkes closed 10 years ago

pberkes commented 10 years ago

I defined a new IDataContext as an interface for contexts that provide the functionality of IListenable, IPersistable, IRestricted, and ICheckpointable. DataContext and MultiContext are example concrete implementations.

As a side effect of the change, we have one single adapter from IContext to IDataContext (and, thus, implicitly to all of its component interfaces). This drastically reduces the number of possible paths in the adaptation network.

rkern commented 10 years ago


jonathanrocher commented 10 years ago

I just tested that your PR isn't affecting the virtual advisor nor VMA.

pberkes commented 10 years ago

Thanks, @jonathanrocher that's really useful. Merging