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safearray_as_ndarray context manager not working as intended #551

Open rrace10 opened 3 months ago

rrace10 commented 3 months ago

The function _check_ctypeslib_typecodes() in _npsupport.py returns a dictionary that is also assigned to ctypeslib._typecodes. The dictionary maps numpy dtype string representations ('i4', 'f8', etc.) to ctypes classes. The ctypeslib._typecodes dictionary appears correct and is used by _get_elements_raw() in safearray.py on line 325. The _get_elements_raw() function is part of the implementation of the "with safearray_as_ndarray:" context manager to optimize the transfer/conversion of safearrays/ndarrays.

However, _get_elements_raw() uses the keys() field of ctypeslib._typecodes to determine if the particular ctype is supported. The conditional is:

if safearray_as_ndarray and self._itemtype_ in list(

This appears incorrect, since the self.itemtype is a ctype, not a dtype as returned by comtypes.npsupport.typecodes.keys(). The end result is "with safearray_as_ndarray:" is essentially ignored with no speed up. Changing the conditional to:

if safearray_as_ndarray and self._itemtype_ in list(

works as expected, with an array transfer speed increase of up to 6x on my system. The keys() bug first appeared in release 1.13 and persists in 1.4.2. Using the simple change:


enables "with safearray_as_ndarray:" to work as intended and also passes all the unit tests.

junkmd commented 3 months ago

Firstly, I would like to clarify the situation.

If there is a proposal for a change, there should be a problem that you are facing that would be resolved by this change. If you are facing a problem, the code you wrote should be in the background. If you say, “This change will make my code work as expected”, please share your code with the community as long as there are no problems with the NDA or license.

Also, I would like to help solve this problem, but I am not very familiar with npsupport. Therefore, I also would like to seek opinions from @bennyrowland, @cfarrow, and @vasily-v-ryabov, who have involved in #333, #337, and #343, and are likely to know the use cases.

rrace10 commented 3 months ago

To be clear, the proposed change is on line 326 of safearray.py





This simple change allows the "safearray_as_ndarray:" context manager to directly convert a safearray to a numpy array at much faster speeds.

I would argue using the original keys() instead of the the proposed values() is actually a bug due to the inconsistent way the comtypes.npsupport.typecodes dictionary mapped dtypes and ctypes as created in npsupport.py in past versions. See #201 for the genesis of the problem. Since comtypes.npsupport.typecodes now consistently maps dtypes to ctypes, we need the values of the dictionary (i.e. the ctypes) , not the keys (i.e. dtypes) in the conditional check. This bug first appeared in 1.1.13.

In summary, npsupport.py does NOT need to change, only line 326 of safearray.py should be changed as shown above. The change results in much faster safearray transfers using the "with safearray_as_ndarray:" context manager.

I can provide a code sample, but it will require downloading a particular COM server that is available on the web. Let me know if this is desired and I will post the code and download details.

junkmd commented 3 months ago

I can provide a code sample, but it will require downloading a particular COM server that is available on the web. Let me know if this is desired and I will post the code and download details.

Please do so. Share your situation without hesitation. It would also be helpful to the community if you could write about the measurement methods and conditions for the performance difference.

rrace10 commented 3 months ago
comtypes safearray_as_ndarray context manager test

This code tests the speed of a 1D array transfer from a
source COM server to a target Numpy array. The sample
DADiSP 6.7 COM server can be downloaded here:


Once installed, run DADiSP 6.7 as Admin and enter this trial


then exit the application. DADiSP 6.7 should now be registered in
the Registery as a COM server.

The speedtest() function tests the safearray transfer by creating
a 24 M sample (24*1024*1024 x 1) random array in the server and then
transfers the array from the server to Python using comtypes, first
by the standard method and then with the safearry_as_ndarray context
manager. The transfer times are compared.

For example:

>>> speedtest()
Standard: 5.110, Context Manager:  1.93 - lower is faster

Although the context manager as written provides a nice speedup, we can
obtain much faster speeds by replacing line 325 in safearray.py:




This allows the conditional to correctly test for supported ctypes. Re-running
speedtest in a new session with the changed code yields:

>>> speedtest()
Standard: 5.732, Context Manager:  0.48 - lower is faster

The safearray_as_ndarray context manager method is now about 4x faster than
previously, a huge improvement for a simple one-liner!

import comtypes
import atexit

from comtypes import client
from comtypes.safearray import safearray_as_ndarray
from time import time

tics = []
dp = None

# get large array, return time in seconds
def getdata1(dp, vname="w1"):
    # start timer
    # transfer data
    data = dp.getdata(vname)
    # end time
    t = time() - tics.pop()
    return t

# get large array using context manager
def getdata2(dp, vname="w1"):
    # start timer
    # transfer data with context manager
    with safearray_as_ndarray:
        data = dp.getdata(vname)
    # end time
    t = time() - tics.pop()
    return t

# COM server
def initdp():
    # invoke server
    dp = client.CreateObject("DADiSP.Application")
    # put 24MB x 1 array in W1
    dp.execute("W1 = randn(24*1024*1024, 1)")
    # return server
    return dp

# exit handler
def exit_handler():

# main function - array transfer speed comparison
def speedtest():
    global dp
    if dp == None:
        dp = initdp()
    t1 = getdata1(dp)
    t2 = getdata2(dp)
    print("Standard: %5.3f, Context Manager: %5.2f - lower is faster" % (t1, t2))
bennyrowland commented 3 months ago

@rrace10 thank you for this detailed and helpful set of observations. As the person responsible for the most recent changes to npsupport, I was a bit concerned about this apparent blunder, so I went back through the relevant changes to figure this out and the result was quite interesting.

You will see in the conversation on issue #238 that I observed the opposite behaviour to your recent observations: the code checked the values which were dtypes, instead of the keys which were ctypes. At that point @cfarrow pointed out that the actual issue was that the npsupport module was inconsistent: #220 had reversed the mapping between ctypes and dtypes. I fixed the mapping in #239 to make it consistent with the older numpy versions. At this point, everything was working correctly.

However, what I did not know at that point was that a separate PR #235 had also been raised to swap values to keys in safearray.py, the same fix that I had originally proposed. 12 months later, this PR was then merged (as #308) so that now both the mapping and the reading have been swapped, leading to reintroducing the original problem.

@junkmd, I think that making the change proposed by @rrace10 should be uncontroversial, it is in effect just reverting #308. I don't know why that PR got merged after so much time and with no apparent push for it to happen. Obviously the best thing would be to introduce a test here that would prevent this kind of regression from happening again. I don't have a lot of time to devote to this at the moment - @rrace10 is that something that you would be interested in taking on?

junkmd commented 3 months ago

@rrace10 Thank you for sharing the "steps to reproduce". I haven't used safearray much, so learning about this use case is helpful for me. It would be helpful if you could also share the modules generated in the …/path/to/your/env/pkgs/comtypes/gen/… directory in your environment.

@bennyrowland Thank you for the information about the background of the changes at the time and the transition of file changes. I think that sharing your information and understanding with the community can supplement what has evaporated from commit logs, Issues, and PRs, and can lead to quick problem resolution. I appreciate your quick response and cooperation.

Now, I am summarizing my thoughts to share with the community about my concerns about changing the _npsupport and safearray modules and to plan the next steps. I appreciate your patience while I work on it.

junkmd commented 3 months ago

I have summarized my concerns about changing the _npsupport and safearray codebases within the scope of this issue:

  1. Tests using actual COM servers are being skipped In the tests for _npsupport and safearray, tests using "actual" COM servers are being skipped. This makes it difficult to confirm whether changes for _npsupport/safearray are not breaking backward compatibility. As @rrace10 and @bennyrowland say, the proposed changes do seem reasonable. However, the lack of tests that can guarantee this is the bottleneck in accepting this proposal. The freeware that @rrace10 is using is difficult to use as a "test double" in the CI workflow due to installation, licenses, and terms of use, so I am considering other ways. For example, I can think of ...

    • Reviving tests using COM servers that are not currently used in this project, such as TestComServerLib.
    • Creating a new "test double" COM server like #535.
    • Defining new components and interfaces in source/CppTestSrv and using ComtypesCppTestSrvLib for testing.
  2. Neither keys() nor values() result in runtime errors As @rrace10 reported, although there are diferrences in performance, neither comtypes.npsupport.typecodes.keys() nor comtypes.npsupport.typecodes.values() stop working. So, I think that's why @bennyrowland and the community didn't notice this until this report was posted. As @bennyrowland says, more than just changing line 325 of comtypes/safearray.py is necessary to prevent another regression. This may be difficult with just black box testing using an "actual" COM server. If testing is difficult, commenting as below will make it less likely to cause a regression like before.


                        if safearray_as_ndarray and self._itemtype_ in list(
-                           comtypes.npsupport.typecodes.keys()
+                           # `values()` is faster than `keys()`. See https://github.com/enthought/comtypes/issues/551
+                           comtypes.npsupport.typecodes.values()

The problem we are dealing with in this issue is a change to something that tests has been broken or non-existent for many years, like https://github.com/enthought/comtypes/pull/473, so this is a difficult topic. I welcome feedback on my opinions.

And of course, I welcome contributions from not only @rrace10 but also from the community, for tests that guarantee changes to _npsupport/safearray.

junkmd commented 3 months ago


Using the simple change:


enables "with safearray_as_ndarray:" to work as intended and also passes all the unit tests.

Does this mean that the proposed changes will make some of the tests that are currently being skipped work?

rrace10 commented 3 months ago

I did not explore the skipped unittests in safearray.py, but they seem more to do with memory leak detection, so I doubt the change will have any impact, positive or negative.

The code I posted was meant as a demonstration of the speed increase due to the change. I agree it is not suitable as a unittest since it relies on a 3rd party application that would be unwieldy to install and configure.

A typical unittest is also problematic because the result of the change is a speed increase that is difficult to quantify. However, it would be straightforward to add a test in _testnpsupport.py to verify comtypes.npsupport.typecodes always maps dtypes to ctypes. This does not directly test the change in safearray.py, but it could prove useful to future proof comtypes from changes that led to this issue. Your proposed comment in safearray.py is also useful.

Here’s a proposed test to add to _testnpsupport.py:

    def test_comtypes_npsupport_typecodes(self):
        import ctypes
        self.assertEqual(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes['|i1'], ctypes.c_byte)
        self.assertEqual(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes['|u1'], ctypes.c_ubyte)
        self.assertEqual(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes['<f4'], ctypes.c_float)
        self.assertEqual(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes['<i2'], ctypes.c_short)
        self.assertEqual(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes['<u2'], ctypes.c_ushort)
        self.assertEqual(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes['<f8'], ctypes.c_double)
        self.assertEqual(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes['<i4'], ctypes.c_long)
        self.assertEqual(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes['<u4'], ctypes.c_ulong)
        self.assertEqual(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes['|b1'], ctypes.c_bool)
        self.assertEqual(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes['<i8'], ctypes.c_longlong)
        self.assertEqual(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes['<u8'], ctypes.c_ulonglong)

The test verifies that comtypes.npsupport.typecodes provides the correct mapping. The current release passes the test, but again it is intended to prevent future releases from reintroducing code that led to the problem.

junkmd commented 3 months ago

I did not explore the skipped unittests in safearray.py, but they seem more to do with memory leak detection, so I doubt the change will have any impact, positive or negative.

The code I posted was meant as a demonstration of the speed increase due to the change. I agree it is not suitable as a unittest since it relies on a 3rd party application that would be unwieldy to install and configure.

A typical unittest is also problematic because the result of the change is a speed increase that is difficult to quantify.

I agree that it is difficult to guarantee such cases in unit tests.

However, it would be straightforward to add a test in _testnpsupport.py to verify comtypes.npsupport.typecodes always maps dtypes to ctypes. This does not directly test the change in safearray.py, but it could prove useful to future proof comtypes from changes that led to this issue.

I welcome the addition of tests to robust the mapping of dtype formats and ctypes. The production code of _make_variant_dtype does not simply create a key-value combination, but goes through numpy.dtype, so the mapping that is generated has some parts that are difficult to imagine. https://github.com/enthought/comtypes/blob/ce0e39343de36ddae5505ca0caabeb0790c20c01/comtypes/_npsupport.py#L19-L92 Having tests will make it easier for future maintainers to understand the behavior of the production code.

Your proposed comment in safearray.py is also useful.

I think that comments in such difficult-to-test areas are a powerful approach to prevent regressions. Commenting on a codebase that interacts with the deep parts of numpy and swaps the normal behavior of comtypes will be important clues for future maintenance.

Here’s a proposed test to add to _testnpsupport.py:

The test verifies that comtypes.npsupport.typecodes provides the correct mapping. The current release passes the test, but again it is intended to prevent future releases from reintroducing code that led to the problem.

To prevent a failing assertion from causing subsequent assertions not to be executed, I suggest using subTest as follows.

    def test_comtypes_npsupport_typecodes(self):
        import ctypes

        for fmt, typ in [
            ("|i1", ctypes.c_byte),
            ("<u8", ctypes.c_ulonglong),
            with self.subTest(fmt=fmt, typ=typ):
                self.assertIs(comtypes.npsupport.typecodes[fmt], typ)

This will help identify the "truly wrong" parts.

What I was concerned about is that the contributor might have submitted PR #235 to solve a problem they were facing, such as their codebase not working. However, as I, @rrace10, and @bennyrowland have mentioned, this is a matter of speed, not a matter of whether the codebase works or not. (I made a wild guess that the problem that occurred in #334 might be fixed in #308, but according to the reporter of #334, the problem does not seem to have been resolved.)

In the next release, I plan to make only this one change related to npsupport and safearray. While the probability may be low, if this change results in a codebase that no longer works, I will treat that bug report as a ticket for a problem that should be solved by the community.

@rrace10, Feel free to PR to resolve this problem. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the community.

bennyrowland commented 3 months ago

@junkmd #235 was a valid fix at the time it was submitted, but when it was merged (as #308) it was no longer valid because the issue had been solved another way, so instead it produced this issue.

AFAICT #334 is unrelated to these other issues - it relates to sending data as a numpy array, whereas the other issues are around receiving data as a numpy array.

We should improve the server tests, but I don't think anyone has a good picture of how everything works enough to work out what a test suite should look like. At the very least, we can probably get some of the numpy tests running. I will put it on my (long) todo list :-)

junkmd commented 3 months ago

Ah, I misunderstood the timeline of PRs and merges. Thank you for your good point.

Reviewers, contributors, and maintainers are all human, so I think such things are common in open source. I strongly feel that respecting each other and sharing feedback makes ensuring psychological safety and the open source community healthy.

junkmd commented 3 months ago

I momentarily thought that #569, which is related to tagSAFEARRAY, might overlap in scope with this issue.

However, in terms of production code, this issue (#551) is a change proposal for safearray.py, and #569 is a change request for automation.py.

Therefore, I believe these are separate topics.