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Can we revive `test_avmc`? #572

Open junkmd opened 3 weeks ago

junkmd commented 3 weeks ago

Modern packaging methods were introduced in #556 and #557. Until then, the code base in setup.py was old, such as not having distutils replaced by setuptools until Python 3.12 support.

As a result, the cognitive load when reading setup.py has been reduced, making class test(Command): easier to read and clearly showing what it was doing. (I confess I hadn't properly read it before since it is not hooked when running tests with the unittest command.)

After skimming through it, I understand that it enables the following options:

Tests executed with these options register either AvmcIfc.dll or AvmcIfc_x64.dll.

In other words, if we create a GHA workflow to mimic the tests executed from this setup, we might be able to revive test_avmc, which remained broken in #298 (#267).

test_avmc is not a high priority for me at the moment to actively push for a discussion, so this is more of a memo. However, if any community members are interested, I would be happy to cooperate.