enthought / mayavi

3D visualization of scientific data in Python
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How to get the specific perspective of mlab.view()? #1025

Open colian opened 3 years ago

colian commented 3 years ago

I am trying to save hundreds of point cloud visualization figures,and I fixed the perspective of point clouds to make a continuous video by the following code: mlab.view(azimuth=a elevation=b, distance=c, roll=d) where "a,b,c,d" are the parameters. It is hard to adjust these parameters to get a suitable perspective. I know that we can use the mouse to drag the visual interface to find a suitable perspective, but is there any way to print out these parameters in the visual interface?

Very kind of your help.

max3-2 commented 3 years ago

I would start with roll=0 and a fixed distance, the other two are quite easy to setup. FWIW, you could always turn on recording (red button in tree view) and then move. At each mouse release the new setup will be printed in the recorder from where you can copy and paste.