enthought / mayavi

3D visualization of scientific data in Python
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itkwidgets error in Jupyter Notebook #1292

Open minkyu-p opened 4 months ago

minkyu-p commented 4 months ago

I'm trying to set up Jupyter Lab (4.0.11) environment for mayavi 4.8.1 on a remote server.

First of all, I note that

%env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen

should be set before importing mlab. Otherwise importing mlab crashes. Then

from mayavi import mlab

runs fine. However

s = mlab.test_plot3d()

gives the following error messages depending on the installation method:

  1. conda install -c conda-forge itkwidgets which installs itkwidgets=0.32.6
[Open Browser Console for more detailed log - Double click to close this message]
Failed to load model class 'ViewerModel' from module 'itkwidgets'
  1. pip install 'itkwidgets[all]>=1.0a23' which installs itkwidgets=1.0a48
    RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
    File ~/anaconda3/envs/mayavi/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/formatters.py:922, in IPythonDisplayFormatter.__call__(self, obj)
    920 method = get_real_method(obj, self.print_method)
    921 if method is not None:
    --> 922     method()
    923     return True

File ~/anaconda3/envs/mayavi/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mayavi/tools/notebook.py:31, in _ipythondisplay(self) 22 def _ipythondisplay(self): 23 '''Method attached to Mayavi objects. 24 25 Note that here self is the Mayavi object that is going to be (...) 29 30 ''' ---> 31 return _backend.display(self)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/mayavi/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mayavi/tools/notebook.py:145, in ITKBackend.display(self, obj) 137 # Works around bug in released itkwidgets-0.32.1. 138 # Can remove when this PR is merged and in a release: 139 # https://github.com/InsightSoftwareConsortium/itkwidgets/pull/438 140 kw = dict( 141 actors=actors, geometries=[], geometry_colors=[], 142 geometry_opacities=[], point_sets=[], point_set_colors=[], 143 point_set_opacities=[] 144 ) --> 145 return idisplay(self._view(**kw)) 146 else: 147 return obj

File ~/anaconda3/envs/mayavi/lib/python3.11/site-packages/itkwidgets/viewer.py:1544, in view(data, kwargs) 1414 def view(data=None, kwargs): 1415 """View the image and/or point set. 1416 1417 Creates and returns an ImJoy plugin ipywidget to visualize an image, and/or (...) 1542 :rtype: Viewer 1543 """ -> 1544 viewer = Viewer(data=data, **kwargs) 1546 return viewer

File ~/anaconda3/envs/mayavi/lib/python3.11/site-packages/itkwidgets/viewer.py:191, in Viewer.init(self, ui_collapsed, rotate, ui, **add_data_kwargs) 189 self.name = self.str() 190 input_data = parse_input_data(add_data_kwargs) --> 191 data = build_init_data(input_data, self.stores) 192 if compare := input_data.get('compare'): 193 data['compare'] = compare

File ~/anaconda3/envs/mayavi/lib/python3.11/site-packages/itkwidgets/_initialization_params.py:100, in build_init_data(input_data, stores) 98 result = _get_viewer_point_set(data) 99 if result is None: --> 100 raise RuntimeError(f"Could not process the viewer {input_type}") 101 input_data[render_type.value] = result 102 return input_data

RuntimeError: Could not process the viewer data

<mayavi.modules.surface.Surface at 0x2b261dd19fd0>

There is already report on the same problem https://github.com/enthought/mayavi/issues/1202#issue-1531272998 without any solution. 
And I encountered the same error even in my laptop (MacBook Pro).

How do I obtain desired behavior of mayavi with itkwidgets?

Thanks in advance.