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Doesn't work on Safari #53

Closed kjordahl closed 8 years ago

kjordahl commented 9 years ago

The layer control only shows "Salinity", so other layers are not available. The salinity animation works, but is a bit flickery.

Leaflet is supposed to support Safari 5+, so there's no obvious reason it shouldn't work.

johntyree commented 9 years ago

The rabbit hole of cross-platform, cross-browser compatibility... down we go!

kjordahl commented 9 years ago

We are not going to support IE6. :grin:

But there is no intrinsic reason that it shouldn't work on the browsers that leaflet does: Chrome, Firefox, Safari 5+, IE 7-11, Opera 12+.

UrvishaKotak commented 9 years ago

I don't know if the Safari issue was solved yet. I put a try catch block in the function barbPositionFrom(barbLocation) in models.js and it worked!