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Choose initial time #78

Open kjordahl opened 8 years ago

kjordahl commented 8 years ago

There should be an interface to select the starting time, and whether a hindcast or forecast.

Forecast file location is: http://barataria.tamu.edu:8080/thredds/dodsC/oof_latest/roms_his_f_latest.nc Hindcast file location is the one we've been using: http://barataria.tamu.edu:8080/thredds/dodsC/NcML/txla_nesting6.nc

johntyree commented 8 years ago

How would this look? A dropdown/radio buttons seems reasonable for hindcast/forecast, but I'm not sure how selecting a time should work. What are the candidate times? Is it just free form where the user types in ISO 8601 format?

kjordahl commented 8 years ago

The available times are in the netCDF file, so it doesn't need to be free form. I'd say spinbox for year, month, day, and time (4-hour increments). We could also use a calendar widget, I suppose.

johntyree commented 8 years ago

I'm still unable to connect to barataria. Is it up?

johntyree commented 8 years ago

It might be the case that #86 handles part of this. We still need to differentiate between datasets, but I'm not sure how that is supposed to look yet.

kjordahl commented 8 years ago

Switching datasets is in #90.

We still need to be able to select start time, not just currently displayed time. I think there should be a window nFrames long (by default 90) that can be selected in the available time range in the netCDF file. We probably want to keep the API the same, so that the frame number on the front end will no longer be the same as the time step requested from the backend (e.g., frame 0 could start at time step 2000 or something).