enthought / traits

Observable typed attributes for Python classes
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Rework ui_dispatch tests to avoid need for Qt #1792

Closed mdickinson closed 2 months ago

mdickinson commented 2 months ago

Since #1788, we have only one test module that makes use of the Qt event loop. That test module contains tests for the behaviour of handlers that use dispatch='ui' mechanism to redispatch off-thread notifications to the ui thread.

This PR reworks that test module, with some significant collateral damage along the way.

In detail:

mdickinson commented 2 months ago

@flongford Do you have bandwidth for review? This is part of a longer-term goal of insulating Traits from changes in Qt / PySide, and eventually decoupling Traits and TraitsUI entirely.

mdickinson commented 2 months ago

@flongford I've responded to comments above and made one minor update, for better exception handling.