entmike / sap_bi_docker

BusinessObjects Dockerfiles
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Docker run : specified database not found #4

Closed julbrs closed 4 years ago

julbrs commented 4 years ago


It seems that I have successfully created my bi43 image:

Step 26/30 : EXPOSE 8080 6400 6405
 ---> Running in c98f498651a6
Removing intermediate container c98f498651a6
 ---> 60c470473d7d
Step 27/30 : VOLUME /bi/sqlanywhere/database
 ---> Running in 116a55989fbd
Removing intermediate container 116a55989fbd
 ---> 734ea6caa1c8
Step 28/30 : VOLUME /bi/sap_bobj/logging
 ---> Running in 689ee570acd0
Removing intermediate container 689ee570acd0
 ---> 7a1a92de6280
Step 29/30 : VOLUME /bi/sap_bobj/data
 ---> Running in ff676bd954b0
Removing intermediate container ff676bd954b0
 ---> 272f59acf4d0
Step 30/30 : CMD /bi/sap_bobj/sqlanywhere_startup.sh && /bi/sap_bobj/tomcatstartup.sh && /bi/sap_bobj/startservers && tail -F /bi/sap_bobj/logging/wacs_localhost.WebApplicationContainerServer_ncs.trc --retry | sed 's/^/[WACS]\t/' & tail -F /bi/sap_bobj/logging/aps_localhost.AdaptiveProcessingServer_ncs.trc --retry | sed 's/^/[APS]\t/' & tail -F /bi/sap_bobj/logging/webiserver_localhost.WebIntelligenceProcessingServer_ncs.trc --retry | sed 's/^/[WEBI]:\t/' & tail -F /bi/sap_bobj/logging/connectionserver_localhost.ConnectionServer_ncs.trc --retry | sed 's/^/[CS]\t/' & tail -F /bi/sap_bobj/logging/cr2020proc_localhost.CrystalReports2020ProcessingServer_ncs.trc --retry | sed 's/^/[CR2020]\t/' & tail -F /bi/sap_bobj/logging/crproc_localhost.CrystalReportsProcessingServer_ncs.trc --retry | sed 's/^/[CR]\t/'
 ---> Running in 30478fce3a4b
Removing intermediate container 30478fce3a4b
 ---> aa0bee4dea98
Successfully built aa0bee4dea98
Successfully tagged xxxxx

But when I try to run it:

docker run --name bi43 -p 8080:8080 -p 6405:6405 -p 6400:6400 gbandsmith/sapbobj-bi4

Specified database not found
SQL Anywhere Start Server In Background Utility Version

Specified database not found Maybe linked with #3 ?

julbrs commented 4 years ago


Just testing the Dockerfile on a different system (ubuntu) and it work well :D Maybe a macbook is not the best device to generate such bug image ? 😄 So closing the case,