Closed JulienParis closed 5 years ago
log de l'erreur lors de npm run build
♲ jpy@JPyPro ~/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend
$ npm run build
> cis-front@1.0.0 build /Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend
> npm-run-all --parallel build:*
> cis-front@1.0.0 build:css /Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend
> node-sass --omit-source-map-url styles/main.scss ../static/build/bundle.css
> cis-front@1.0.0 build:js /Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend
> browserify ./scripts/main.js -o ../static/build/bundle.js
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module './args'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:543:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:470:25)
at Module.require (module.js:593:17)
at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend/node_modules/.bin/browserify:6:9)
at Module._compile (module.js:649:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:660:10)
at Module.load (module.js:561:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:501:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:493:3)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! cis-front@1.0.0 build:js: `browserify ./scripts/main.js -o ../static/build/bundle.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the cis-front@1.0.0 build:js script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/jpy/.npm/_logs/2019-02-12T14_32_00_633Z-debug.log
ERROR: "build:js" exited with 1.
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! cis-front@1.0.0 build: `npm-run-all --parallel build:*`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the cis-front@1.0.0 build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/jpy/.npm/_logs/2019-02-12T14_32_00_719Z-debug.log
@DavidBruant qu'est-ce que tu en penses ?
Est-ce que tu peux réessayer sans npm audit fix --force
voir ce que ça donne ?
je viens de tester une autre méthode en suivant cette méthode stackoverflow :
foldernpm install
npm run build
resultats :
🌱♲ jpy@JPyPro ~/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend
$ npm install
> fsevents@1.2.4 install /Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend/node_modules/fsevents
> node install
[fsevents] Success: "/Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend/node_modules/fsevents/lib/binding/Release/node-v59-darwin-x64/fse.node" is installed via remote
> node-sass@4.11.0 install /Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend/node_modules/node-sass
> node scripts/install.js
Cached binary found at /Users/jpy/.npm/node-sass/4.11.0/darwin-x64-59_binding.node
> node-sass@4.11.0 postinstall /Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend/node_modules/node-sass
> node scripts/build.js
Binary found at /Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/darwin-x64-59/binding.node
Testing binary
Binary is fine
npm WARN cis-front@1.0.0 No description
npm WARN cis-front@1.0.0 No repository field.
added 684 packages from 505 contributors and audited 4315 packages in 26.979s
found 0 vulnerabilities
🌱♲ jpy@JPyPro ~/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend
$ npm run build
> cis-front@1.0.0 build /Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend
> npm-run-all --parallel build:*
> cis-front@1.0.0 build:css /Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend
> node-sass --omit-source-map-url styles/main.scss ../static/build/bundle.css
> cis-front@1.0.0 build:js /Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/frontend
> browserify ./scripts/main.js -o ../static/build/bundle.js
Rendering Complete, saving .css file...
Wrote CSS to /Users/jpy/Dropbox/_FLASK/_CIS/_POC_EIG/CIS_front/cis/app/static/build/bundle.css
You did not set any plugins, parser, or stringifier. Right now, PostCSS does nothing. Pick plugins for your case on and use them in postcss.config.js.
You did not set any plugins, parser, or stringifier. Right now, PostCSS does nothing. Pick plugins for your case on and use them in postcss.config.js.
You did not set any plugins, parser, or stringifier. Right now, PostCSS does nothing. Pick plugins for your case on and use them in postcss.config.js.
You did not set any plugins, parser, or stringifier. Right now, PostCSS does nothing. Pick plugins for your case on and use them in postcss.config.js.
You did not set any plugins, parser, or stringifier. Right now, PostCSS does nothing. Pick plugins for your case on and use them in postcss.config.js.
You did not set any plugins, parser, or stringifier. Right now, PostCSS does nothing. Pick plugins for your case on and use them in postcss.config.js.
ok c résolu.. je v ajouter ça au readme
@DavidBruant par contre ces warnings You did not set any plugins, parser, or stringifier. Right now, PostCSS does nothing. Pick plugins for your case on and use them in postcss.config.js.
c quoi exactement ? ya moyen de rendre ça plus clean ?
@DavidBruant par contre ces warnings
You did not set any plugins, parser, or stringifier. Right now, PostCSS does nothing. Pick plugins for your case on and use them in postcss.config.js.
c quoi exactement ? ya moyen de rendre ça plus clean ?
en suivant les instructions du Readme :
git pull origin master
cd /cis/app/frontend
--> oknpm install
--> ok (mais aussi +npm audit fix --force
pour régler les problèmes de vulnérabilité)npm run build
--> erreur