entronad / flutter_echarts

A Flutter widget to use Apache ECharts in a reactive way.
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Flutter Echarts IOS problem #139

Open Jarobec opened 3 years ago

Jarobec commented 3 years ago

I used effectScatter from Echarts. However there are appeared problems on the IOS. After render charts, effectScatter flashing right work. But after 5 minutes, it will be crashed. #@entronad

Echarts( reloadAfterInit: true, captureAllGestures: true, option: '''{ animation: false, backgroundColor: 'rgb(28, 33, 48, 1)', grid: [ { left: '13%', right: '2%', height: '65%', top: '5%' } ], xAxis: { type: 'time', scale: true, boundaryGap : true, splitNumber: 5, axisPointer: { z: 100 }, max: function(value) { return new Date(value.max + 360000); }, min: function(value) { return new Date(value.min - 360000); } }, yAxis: { show: true, scale: true, position: 'left', type: 'value', splitNumber: 3, splitLine: {show: false}, splitArea: {show: false}, axisLabel: { inside: false, verticalAlign: 'bottom', color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255, 1)' } }, series: [ { type: 'effectScatter', data : [['2021-08-31 13:00', 10, 11, 12, 9, 100], ['2021-08-31 13:05', 11, 5, 13, 10, 200]], itemStyle: {
color: 'rgb(108, 221, 97, 1)' }, } ] }''', ),

entronad commented 2 years ago

Since based on webview, this library has some inextirpable unstability and performance issues. We recommand the Flutter charting library Graphic as alternative.