Closed alhajsidd closed 1 year ago
Chart( data: list, variables: { 'key': Variable( accessor: (Map map) => map['key'].toString(), ), 'index': Variable( accessor: (Map map) => flag--, scale: LinearScale( max: list.length == 2 ? -list.length * 1 : list.length == 3 ? -list.length * 0.8 : -list.length * 0.9, min: list.length == 2 ? list.length * 0.9 : list.length == 3 ? list.length * 0.7 : list.length * 0.7), ), 'count': Variable( accessor: (Map map) => map['count'] as num, ), 'label': Variable( accessor: (Map map) => map['label'].toString(), ), }, transforms: [ Sort( compare: (a, b) => ((b['index'] as num) - (a['index'] as num)).toInt(), ), ], marks: [ IntervalMark( selected: { 'tap': {touchedindex} }, label: LabelEncode(encoder: (tuple) { return Label( tuple['key'].toString(), LabelStyle(textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.transparent)), ); }), elevation: ElevationEncode( value: 0, updaters: { 'tap': {true: (_) => 0} }, ), shape: ShapeEncode( value: list.length != 1 ? FunnelShape(labelPosition: 0.5, pyramid: false) : RectShape( labelPosition: 0.5, borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(, ), color: ColorEncode( variable: 'key', updaters: { 'tap': { true: (initialValue) => initialValue.withOpacity(0.55) } }, values: widget.colorList ?? Defaults.colors10, ), modifiers: [SymmetricModifier()], size: SizeEncode( value: 0, updaters: { 'tap': {true: (initialValue) => 10} }, )) ], rebuild: true, coord: RectCoord(transposed: true, verticalRange: [1, 0]), tooltip: TooltipGuide( layer: 1, multiTuples: false, align:, offset: Offset(-38, 0), backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF".toColor(0), followPointer: [true, false], variables: ["count"], // renderer: simpleTooltip, textStyle: const TextStyle( color: AppColors.primaryBlack, shadows: [Shadow(color: AppColors.primaryBlack)]), ), selections: { 'tap': PointSelection(on: { GestureType.scroll, GestureType.scaleUpdate, GestureType.tapDown, GestureType.longPressMoveUpdate }, dim: Dim.x) }, )
as you can see I added resize code on this chart but resize is not wokking
size: SizeEncode( value: 0, updaters: { 'tap': {true: (initialValue) => 10} }, )
The size of a funnel bar is always "fulfilling the gap", so that it will looks like a funnel. The size encoding won't work in a funnel shape.
as you can see I added resize code on this chart but resize is not wokking