entropyxyz / entropy-core

Protocol and cryptography development.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Quote parameter encoding format for `entropy-test-cli` #1154

Open HCastano opened 2 weeks ago

HCastano commented 2 weeks ago

In #1123 we added a requirement for certain extrinsics to have a TDX quote attached. Additionally, a few extra fields such as a PCK certificate chain were also added.

The test-cli was updated to include these extra parameters but not a lot of care was taken to figure out what the best format for these to be in was (right now they're mostly just Strings). Peg had some suggestions, such as hex for the quote and PEM encoding the PCK chain.

It's a little hard to know what the best way to pass these in to the test-cli is because we don't have any programatic way to get these fields at the moment. This would be a pre-requisite before properly tackling this issue.