entropyxyz / programs

Source, toolchain, and examples for using programs on Entropy
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Add oracle data to programs #72

Closed JesseAbram closed 4 months ago

JesseAbram commented 4 months ago

This allows us to add oracle data. The data is just bytes that can be passed in from the chain, this is 1/2 the required PR, the next would be to have a program (stored in the program struct pass the location of the oracle data on-chain in). To manage how oracle data gets uploaded we will write pallets and TSSs will pull the data down from the chain

JesseAbram commented 4 months ago

This looks all fine. Although i don't know what the motivation is, like what kind of stuff we would put in the oracle data.

in this case it means anything from the chain. But that in itself can be anything, personally I would like to see it as ibc state proofs from other chains that program devs can then get data from it and make decisions based on state from said other chains