entur / lamassu

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European Union Public License 1.2
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(Possibly only temporarilly) invalid `gbfs.json` are cached and will only be updated on Lamassu restart #495

Open hbruch opened 1 week ago

hbruch commented 1 week ago

Expected behavior

Lamassu should not subscribe successfully to a system, which does not publish a valid gbfs.json. (Ideally, gbfs.json should be reloaded periodically to detect new/changed upstream feed declarations)

Observed behavior

The gbfs.json file of a system is requested once on startup, and, if parseable, cached, even if it does not declare all required feeds (e.g. has system_information missing). It can only be refreshed via a Lamassu restart.

(One of our providers temporarily published incomplete gbfs.json files wich did not contain a system_information feed).

See also https://github.com/entur/gbfs-validator-java/issues/90 for improved gbfs.json validation rules.

Version of lamassu used (exact commit hash or JAR name)


Data sets in use (links to GBFS feeds)

N.A. (meanwhile the corrupt gbfs.json is fixed by provider)

How to reproduce

Try to import a feed with a gbfs.json like:


and change the gbfs.json after lamassu is started. Lamassu will continue to publish the initially loaded, incorrect gbfs.json.