entur / tiamat

Module also known as the backend for Stop Place Register ("nasjonalt stoppestedregister - nsr")
European Union Public License 1.2
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Missing dependencies in pom.xml? #138

Closed T44VI closed 3 weeks ago

T44VI commented 1 year ago

Hi, I was trying to build the project locally, but it seems like that some of the dependencies defined in pom.xml do not exist (in maven2-repository). For example the master-branch of the project has dependency org.entur.helpers:hazelcast4-helper:jar:1.0.62 but whole https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/entur/helpers seems like non-existent. Error message as a whole is below. Is there something in my local config I could do to fix this? Thanks in advance!

Failed to execute goal on project tiamat: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.rutebanken:tiamat:jar:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.entur.helpers:hazelcast4-helper:jar:1.0.62, org.entur.helpers:organisation:jar:1.0.61, org.entur.helpers:oauth2:jar:1.0.64, org.entur:netex-java-model:jar:1.0.12-SNAPSHOT, org.opengeo:geodb:jar:0.9, xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.12.0.SP03-RB, org.geotools:gt-referencing:jar:20.1, org.geotools:gt-jts-wrapper:jar:20.1, org.geotools:gt-epsg-hsql:jar:20.1, org.geotools:gt-geojson:jar:20.1: Could not find artifact org.entur.helpers:hazelcast4-helper:jar:1.0.62 in maven2 (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2)