enum314 / sti-edos

A School Student Violation & Permit Management System made with the T3 Stack
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Dependency Dashboard #4

Open renovate[bot] opened 10 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 10 months ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


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Detected dependencies

package.json - `@emotion/react ^11.10.6` - `@emotion/server ^11.10.0` - `@mantine/core ^6.0.5` - `@mantine/dates ^6.0.5` - `@mantine/dropzone ^6.0.5` - `@mantine/form ^6.0.1` - `@mantine/hooks ^6.0.5` - `@mantine/modals ^6.0.5` - `@mantine/next ^6.0.1` - `@mantine/notifications ^6.0.5` - `@mantine/nprogress ^6.0.5` - `@mantine/tiptap ^6.0.5` - `@next-auth/prisma-adapter ^1.0.5` - `@prisma/client ^4.13.0` - `@tabler/icons ^2.10.0` - `@tabler/icons-react ^2.10.0` - `@tanstack/react-query ^4.29.5` - `@tiptap/core 2.0.3` - `@tiptap/extension-character-count 2.0.3` - `@tiptap/extension-link 2.0.3` - `@tiptap/pm 2.0.3` - `@tiptap/react 2.0.3` - `@tiptap/starter-kit 2.0.3` - `@trpc/client ^10.25.0` - `@trpc/next ^10.25.0` - `@trpc/react-query ^10.25.0` - `@trpc/server ^10.25.0` - `aws-sdk ^2.1359.0` - `dayjs ^1.11.7` - `dotenv ^16.0.3` - `ioredis ^5.3.1` - `mantine-datatable ^2.0.3` - `next 13.4.4` - `next-auth ^4.18.6` - `next-pwa ^5.6.0` - `next-seo ^6.0.0` - `node-fetch ^3.3.1` - `rate-limiter-flexible ^2.4.1` - `react 18.2.0` - `react-dom 18.2.0` - `recharts ^2.5.0` - `remark ^14.0.3` - `remark-html ^15.0.2` - `sharp ^0.32.1` - `superjson ^1.12.1` - `web-push ^3.5.0` - `webpack ^5.76.2` - `ws ^8.13.0` - `zod ^3.20.2` - `@babel/core ^7.21.0` - `@commitlint/cli ^17.3.0` - `@commitlint/config-conventional ^17.3.0` - `@tailwindcss/typography ^0.5.9` - `@types/node 18.16.16` - `@types/react 18.2.7` - `@types/react-dom 18.2.4` - `@types/web-push ^3.3.2` - `@types/ws ^8.5.4` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^5.46.1` - `@typescript-eslint/parser ^5.46.1` - `autoprefixer ^10.4.13` - `babel-loader ^9.1.2` - `conventional-changelog-cli ^2.2.2` - `cross-env ^7.0.3` - `eslint 8.41.0` - `eslint-config-next 13.4.4` - `eslint-config-prettier ^8.5.0` - `eslint-plugin-import ^2.26.0` - `eslint-plugin-import-sort ^0.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y ^6.6.1` - `eslint-plugin-prettier ^4.2.1` - `eslint-plugin-react ^7.31.11` - `eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort ^10.0.0` - `husky ^8.0.2` - `npm-run-all ^4.1.5` - `postcss ^8.4.20` - `prettier ^2.8.1` - `prisma ^4.13.0` - `tailwind-scrollbar ^3.0.0` - `tailwindcss ^3.3.2` - `tsx ^3.12.3` - `typescript 5.1.3`

enum314 commented 10 months ago

idk, should I?