enupal / backup

Fully integrated Backup solution for Craft CMS
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Regular S3 backups via webhook/cron job temporarily stall server. #20

Closed jsunsawyer closed 5 years ago

jsunsawyer commented 5 years ago


I have a cron job setup to backup our database to an Amazon S3 bucket via a webook.

As of about a week ago, our server has been stalling out as soon as the scheduled backup starts. The server resumes functioning as normal within a few minutes.

Our site currently has 24 sites set up for translation. DB backups are just over 40MB zipped.

Any idea what could be causing our issues?

I reached out on Discord and someone mentioned this:

As far as I can see there are no console controllers for the plugin which is a little bit strange for such tasks. I bet the request times out.

Additional info

andrelopez commented 5 years ago

Hi @jsunsawter

Could you please recreate this issue and send back to us an email to support@enupal.com with a zip file of the next folder:


Also, could you please provide the next info about your server? What is the OS name and version?

jsunsawyer commented 5 years ago

@andrelopez Sent!

andrelopez commented 5 years ago

Hi @jsunsawyer feel free to reopen this ticket if you got the same issue again.