enupal / backup

Fully integrated Backup solution for Craft CMS
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Paths sensitive to leading and trailing forward slashes / #33

Open nitech opened 4 years ago

nitech commented 4 years ago

Amazon S3

The Amazon S3 path is very sensitive to whether or not you include leading and/or trailing forward slashes.

Don't include leading /

If you enter this path: /production/ the backups will end up in the following path: "blank folder"/production the "blank folder" possibly being created because I assume the full path looks something like this: https://amazon.something/bucketName//production/

Must include trailing /

If you enter this path: test/production, the backups will end up inside the test folder with production as a part of the file name(s). Again, as the above statement, I assume this has to to with the composition of the path.

Paths in Settings

Specification of paths in settings have the same issue. Some paths require trailing slashes, some don't. Some require you to enter full path to executable, some require just the path to the location of the executable.