enupal / translate

Translate your website templates and plugins into multiple languages for Craft CMS. Bulk translation with Google Translate or Yandex.
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RFC - Different storage method #34

Closed lenvanessen closed 4 years ago

lenvanessen commented 4 years ago


We love the functionality of this extension. But a lot of our projects are hosted on heroku, meaning anything not in git will be removed upon deployment and generally the client does the translations not the production.

So it would be great if there is an alternative way of storing the translations (DB/S3) so they remain there in between deployments.

CreateSean commented 4 years ago

I was just coming here to make the same request.

I expected that copying the database from live to local would get me the translations. But no, I had to ftp the translations folder down and make sure it was gitignored in the future.

andrelopez commented 4 years ago

This is for sure our more requested feature, I'll look into this and will back with any update

andrelopez commented 4 years ago

Hi @CreateSean @lenvanessen We just released Enupal Translate v2.0.0 with support to sync your translations into the DB more info here https://docs.enupal.com/translate/translate/sync-with-db.html