envato / event_sourcery

A library for building event sourced applications in Ruby
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AggregateRoot & Repository responsibilities refactor #121

Closed stevehodgkiss closed 7 years ago

stevehodgkiss commented 7 years ago

We discussed this briefly in the last ES brown bag.

Current state:

This feels wrong to me. Either AggregateRoot should do both saving and loading, or repository should be both saving and loading.

Proposed changes:

Usage in a command handler would look something like this:

class MyCommandHandler
  include CommandHandler
  # in CommandHandler module
  # def initialize(repository:) # a Repository instance

  def handle(command)
    with_aggregate(Person, command.person_uuid) do |person|


  # in CommandHandler module
  def with_aggregate(aggregate_class, id)
    aggregate = repository.load(aggregate_class, command.aggregate_id)
    yield aggregate

I dislike referencing the Repository constant from within handlers so the example above has the repository instance constructor injected.

grassdog commented 7 years ago

I like moving the save responsibilities to the Repository. Not sure I'm 100% sold on the interactions between the Repository and the Aggregate though. It does feel like the repository knows a little too much.

I'd like to investigate whether the aggregate could return the new events to persist rather than save them up in an internal array. That way the command handler would coordinate between the repo and the aggregate.

Something like (warning: pseudo code incoming):

class CommandHandler
  def initialize(repository:, aggregate_class:)
    @repo = repository
    # Might makes sense to make this a lazy enumerable if we want to keep the repo out of the aggregate
    events = @repo.load()
    @aggregate = aggregate_class.new.load_state(events)

  def handle(command)
    # This is hand wavy. Would need to nut out the routing to the correct handle method on the aggregate here.
    new_events = @aggregate.handle(command)
    @repo.save(new_events, @aggregate.current_version)

Testing the aggregate could be a matter of feeding in a list of events to load_state and checking that it returns expected events when calling a handler.

The repo would only need to test the load and save methods.


stevehodgkiss commented 7 years ago

@grassdog interesting approach. That would be breaking CQS (handle mutating state and returning data), but I don't think CQS should be blindly followed anyways. The repo.save is pretty much the API on the event store itself, so there wouldn't be much happening in repo.save except delegating to the event store.

The "get changes" "clear changes" approach is probably the most common interface I've seen in .NET/java ES projects (see NEventStore.Domain & Greg's SimpleCQRS.

Merging these changes in now, but let's continue the conversation of alternatives via PR's.