enviroCar / enviroCar-website-ng

MIT License
3 stars 5 forks source link

Live demo? #20

Open nuest opened 8 years ago

nuest commented 8 years ago

Is the new website design running on a public server? That would be great :-).

Please add a link to the README if so.

matthesrieke commented 8 years ago

Currently only on your own machine :-)

git clone https://github.com/enviroCar/enviroCar-website-ng cd enviroCar-website-ng npm install gulp serve

Login with your normal enviroCar credentials!

nuest commented 8 years ago

Sure... I get the following warnings that are probably easy to fix:

npm WARN deprecated gulp-minify-html@0.1.8: Please use gulp-htmlmin
npm WARN deprecated lodash@2.2.1: lodash@<3.0.0 is no longer maintained. Upgrade to lodash@^4.0.0.
npm WARN deprecated minimatch@2.0.10: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue
npm WARN deprecated minimatch@0.2.14: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue
npm WARN deprecated lodash@1.0.2: lodash@<3.0.0 is no longer maintained. Upgrade to lodash@^4.0.0.
npm WARN deprecated graceful-fs@1.2.3: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v7.0. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 as soon as possible. Use 'npm ls graceful-fs' to find it in the tree.
npm WARN deprecated graceful-fs@3.0.8: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v7.0. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 as soon as possible. Use 'npm ls graceful-fs' to find it in the tree.
npm WARN deprecated minimatch@0.3.0: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue
npm WARN deprecated minimatch@1.0.0: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue
npm WARN deprecated win-spawn@2.0.0: use [cross-spawn](https://github.com/IndigoUnited/node-cross-spawn) or [cross-spawn-async](https://github.com/IndigoUnited/node-cross-spawn-async) instead.
npm WARN deprecated graceful-fs@2.0.3: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v7.0. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 as soon as possible. Use 'npm ls graceful-fs' to find it in the tree.

And then this question:

Unable to find a suitable version for angular, please choose one:
    1) angular#1.2.x which resolved to 1.2.29 and is required by angular-img-http-src#0.1.0
    2) angular#1.5.7 which resolved to 1.5.7 and is required by angular-animate#1.5.7, angular-aria#1.5.7, angular-cookies#1.5.7, angular-messages#1.5.7, angular-mocks#1.5.7, angular-sanitize#1.5.7, angular-touch#1.5.7
    3) angular#^1.2.9 which resolved to 1.5.7 and is required by angular-loading-bar#0.9.0
    4) angular#1.x which resolved to 1.5.7 and is required by angular-leaflet-directive#0.10.0
    5) angular#^1.3.15 which resolved to 1.5.7 and is required by angular-timeline#1.6.2
    6) angular#^1.0.8 which resolved to 1.5.7 and is required by angular-ui-router#0.2.18
    7) angular#^1.5.0 which resolved to 1.5.7 and is required by enviroCar-website
    8) angular#^1.4.8 which resolved to 1.5.7 and is required by angular-material#1.0.9
    9) angular#>=1.2.26 <1.6 which resolved to 1.5.7 and is required by angular-translate#2.11.0
    10) angular#>=1.1.4 which resolved to 1.5.7 and is required by angular-utils-pagination#0.11.1
    11) angular#>=1.2.0 which resolved to 1.5.7 and is required by ngInfiniteScroll#1.2.1
    12) angular#^1.x which resolved to 1.5.7 and is required by angular-nvd3#1.0.0-rc.2

What's the correct answer?

nuest commented 8 years ago

I chose 2, and it wored. Still recommend to fix that in the dependency list.

The dashboard looks really nice! Looking forward to more changes.

I added a Dockerfile that makes it easy for people to try this out (if they know how to run Docker) in my repo: https://github.com/nuest/enviroCar-website-ng/commit/6785645ceb2d65b1bc6ac2aa000f30969b58e388

Instructions are in the README file.

naveenjafer commented 8 years ago

@nuest You can try the latest dashboard. :) Quite a few internal changes have been made in the past week. My apologies for the delayed reply. Missed this in my notification. Thank you for the docker file :) Will update it in this main repo.